Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mr Tsujimoto

Dear Friends,

It saddens me to receive an email from Mr Tsujimoto’s wife, Mdm Shirley, that Mr Tsujimoto has passed on on 23/7/19.

I have known Mr Tsujimoto since 1996 when I visited his office at Shaw Centre. That time he was still selling exercise equipment. But the visit was to understand the power of the ESP Cosmic Energy from him. That’s where our friendship have grown through this powerful energy.

Life have been lots of ups and downs for me. I have always sought & obtained help from this positive energy.

Mr Tsujimoto later moved his office to Far East Shopping Centre, until today. I have visited him occasionally during these years. He has provided me great mentorship on how to harness the ESP Cosmic Energy, which I am truly grateful.

These few years I have witnessed the frailing health of my parents and my friend. Mr Tsujimoto has introduced the health benefits of drinking NeuG7 water to them, and that have also helped them tremendously.

In these many years of our friendship, almost 23 years, I find Mr Tsujimoto to be a gentle, kind, helpful and a generous man. I have always been greeted by his warm hug and a great smile everytime I meet him. At the same time, I also wish to thank Mdm Shirley, his wife, for her generosity and concerns for my family.

Mr Tsujimoto, do you remember the photo of Dr Ishii with that warm smile in the glowing sunlight hanging in your office? I am very sure that, Mr Tsujimoto, you are now with Master Ishii. Both of you are smiling upon us in Heaven, or maybe in the Cosmic Energy, sending blessings to Mdm Shirley, to your family, and also to all of us, who have adored you all these years.

I am going to miss you, my good friend and wise mentor, Mr Tsujimoto. But I feel happy for you, as you have told me about the power to be in a happier place. I know now that you are definitely in a happier place. Take care, my friend.

Yours truly,

Tony Chai
Your Eternal Friend

PS. Kindly contact Ms Shirley Ang for information about the Neutrino Water VG7 Tel : +65 9615 6861 or you can email her at
Thank You!