Dear friends,
You have probably arrived here because you've seen Steve's review of my e-book “The No-Fluff Cheat Sheet To Getting Anything You Want From The Cosmic Universe!” (Thanks! Steve.)
I have learned a lot about the power of our subconscious mind and the law of attraction from books like :
1) "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" - Dr Joseph Murphy
2) "The Science of Getting Rich" - Wallace D. Wattles
3) "The Magic of Believing" - Claude M. Bristol
4) "The Attractor Factor" - Dr Joe Vitale and the popular
5) "Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill.
I also liked Dr Robert Anthony's "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" CD program and have watched "The Secret" DVD created by Rhonda Byrne.
But frankly, I sometimes find the information that I'm exposed to too overwhelming. Try Googling "law of attraction". You'll see a mammoth of information about this "mysterious energy" which can convert our thoughts into realities.
That really prompted me to release my very own simple 6 steps process, a guide which condenses what I've learned so far and also what I've experienced personally to tap on our inner power and the law of attraction to create our goals and desires.
The guide is concise. The exact 6 steps process is revealed in less than 30 pages. It's not filled with "fluff" to bog you down from getting started immediately.
That means you can start applying these steps right after you've finished the guide to begin attracting abundance in your finance, health, relationship etc. into your life immediately.
The guide is available in PDF and mp3 audio book format. You will also receive the following Free Bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Lost Chapters : This is the guide which Steve has mentioned in the video. It reveals more secrets about the law of attraction to boost your goal manifestation process - in the quickest and easiest way! Available in mp3 audio format too.
Bonus #2: A Never-Revealed Before Powerful Exercise to guide you step-by-step on how to communicate to the cosmic universe in the most intimate, effective way to get what you want.
Bonus #3: For the next 15 days, you will also receive my Goal Manifestation Video Tips delivered each & everyday like having your very own personal coach hand-holding you in your journey.!
Buy It NOW!
I have attracted finances into my life by personally applying the 6-steps process as laid out in my guide.
Now, It Is YOUR Turn To Apply These Exact Techniques To Attract Your Very Own Abundance and Happiness!
Claim Your Copy HERE!
To Your Success,
Tony Chai
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Attracting Abundance - We Are All Connected
Dear friends,
Attracting Abundance with the help of the Cosmic Universe is your rights!
The other day, I received a strong signal to listen to this song.
I went to YouTube and Yes! I found it!
This was a movie that I've watched, if I'm not wrong, back in the 80s.
The movie's called "Electric Dreams".
I listened to the lyrics of the theme song carefully...
"Wow!" There's exactly the message (in the song) that I have hoped to convey to everyone!!
Here's the wonderful music video :
My friends, we are all connected. The Cosmic Universe connects us together so that we can serve our Higher Purpose. She helps us in attracting abundance in all areas of our lives.
But how do we connect as one? How does the Cosmic Universe knows our intention and helps us achieve attracting abundance? And How do we convey our intention, goals or desires to the Cosmic Universe?
The answers are all in my e-book and audio program called "The No-Fluff Cheat Sheet To Getting Anything You Want From The Cosmic Universe!".
I hope once you know this secret, act on it! Moreover, help others attract their abundance and achieve their goals too!
Warmest Regards & A Very Merry Christmas!
Tony Chai
Attracting Abundance with the help of the Cosmic Universe is your rights!
The other day, I received a strong signal to listen to this song.
I went to YouTube and Yes! I found it!
This was a movie that I've watched, if I'm not wrong, back in the 80s.
The movie's called "Electric Dreams".
I listened to the lyrics of the theme song carefully...
"Wow!" There's exactly the message (in the song) that I have hoped to convey to everyone!!
Here's the wonderful music video :
My friends, we are all connected. The Cosmic Universe connects us together so that we can serve our Higher Purpose. She helps us in attracting abundance in all areas of our lives.
But how do we connect as one? How does the Cosmic Universe knows our intention and helps us achieve attracting abundance? And How do we convey our intention, goals or desires to the Cosmic Universe?
The answers are all in my e-book and audio program called "The No-Fluff Cheat Sheet To Getting Anything You Want From The Cosmic Universe!".
I hope once you know this secret, act on it! Moreover, help others attract their abundance and achieve their goals too!
Warmest Regards & A Very Merry Christmas!
Tony Chai
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Thank You Blog - 21/10/10
The Higher Power,
Good morning. Thank you for your blessings. I wake up feeling grateful. Today is a wonderful day. I embrace today with a healthy body. I'm breathing gently, I can see, hear, smell, taste, touch effortlessly. I am blessed with these abilities and not taking them for granted. For that, I thank God and Lord for your generosity in gifting them to me. I chant the Goddess of Wealth, Maha Lakshmi mantra as I wake up gently :
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem
Lakshmi Racha Gachha
Mama Mandire Tishtha-Tishtha Swaha
I will try to chant the mantra 108 times today for 11 days to reach siddha.
This mantra is never failing for one who seeks success in business and financial prosperity, or who faces barriers in business growth, or other obstacles to prosperity. This mantra is very dear to Goddess Lakshmi, who told Vasistha that, "I am very pleased by this mantra and if any person recites this mantra even once, I will establish myself in his home."
Thank You Lord for your blessings.
Tony Chai
Good morning. Thank you for your blessings. I wake up feeling grateful. Today is a wonderful day. I embrace today with a healthy body. I'm breathing gently, I can see, hear, smell, taste, touch effortlessly. I am blessed with these abilities and not taking them for granted. For that, I thank God and Lord for your generosity in gifting them to me. I chant the Goddess of Wealth, Maha Lakshmi mantra as I wake up gently :
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem
Lakshmi Racha Gachha
Mama Mandire Tishtha-Tishtha Swaha
I will try to chant the mantra 108 times today for 11 days to reach siddha.
This mantra is never failing for one who seeks success in business and financial prosperity, or who faces barriers in business growth, or other obstacles to prosperity. This mantra is very dear to Goddess Lakshmi, who told Vasistha that, "I am very pleased by this mantra and if any person recites this mantra even once, I will establish myself in his home."
Thank You Lord for your blessings.
Tony Chai
Attracting Abundance,
Goddess Lakshmi,
Maha Lakshmi,
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Nirvana of Living in The NOW
Dear friends,
Are you sometimes haunted by your past and or suddenly becomes nervous just by thinking of the past? I admit that I do experience these feelings at times myself. But we don't have to, my friends. I have to come to understand that the past is already the past. Whatever that has happened is already over. Fretting over the past is not going to make us feel any better now. Besides, the past is never a reflection of what is going to happen to us in the future. So, we do not actually have to be a victim of the past. In fact, the past can serve as a useful lesson for us to learn to be wiser. And if we treat the past as a piece of useful information to guide us in our future endeavours, there is no reason for us to be afraid of it, right?
Similarly, we should not be worrying about the future. The future is not even here yet. Things have not even happened! So, there is no reason wasting your precious time and energy worrying about it.
But there is one way to shape your future, and that is to ...
focus on the NOW. Yes, "Now" is the moment that is always the most precious to us because IT is the only moment that we are living in it. Now is the only moment that we can do whatever that we desire to accomplish. We can't do something "in the past". Certainly we cannot perform something "into the future". We can only live in the present moment, and we should always be grateful that "NOW" is the only moment that we can direct our thoughts to our sub-conscious mind to accomplish anything that we truly desire.
If you've watched "The Secret", you'll remember that the way to manifest what you truly desire is to visualize that you are NOW living in your desired state right at this very moment!. When you could emotionally engaged yourself to feel that you've already achieved your true heart desire right in this very moment, you have actually "tricked" the sub-conscious mind into believing that you are already the person whom you desire to be. When this desire is conveyed to the Super-Conscious Mind by your sub-conscious mind, she will bring about the circumstances & resources to turn your desire into a reality.
One thing that you should constantly do right NOW is to be grateful of what you have already possessed. Be grateful that you are viewing this sentence at this very moment as a friendly reminder that you can deliberately create what you truly desire. Believe me that YOU have the power to consciously program your sub-conscious mind to create whatever you desire. This truth, though simple, is very powerful. It is a knowledge that is precious, since not many people are aware of it! Be constantly grateful, as this is a wonderful "flip switch" which will drive away your fear, worries and doubt instantly. Besides, being grateful creates the positive feelings whose energy level is more powerful than our negative thoughts. What's important is that this positive energy level is vibrating at the same frequency level as the Universe who is turning your desire into a reality.
In the timeless classic "The Science of Getting Rich" written by Mr Wallace D. Wattles, it is revealed that the more grateful you are, the faster you'll be able to manifest what you desire! And when combined with doing things in a certain way mentioned above, creating what you truly desire is only a matter of time. When you are focused on visualizing your true-heart desires, you are actually activating the "Law of Attraction". This law, just like any other laws like "The Law of Gravity", will never fail and will always work for everyone! But "Now" is the moment you have, so it's always the best time for you to attract your desire right now!
Mr Og Mandino, best-selling author of a number of inspirational books like "The Greatest Salesman in the World", "The Greatest Miracle in the World", "A Better Way to Live" etc., also emphasized the importance of "Living in the Now" to his millions of readers.
So remember, your NOW is the golden opportunity that you should grab hold of in order to shape your desired future. Treasure the present moment and be grateful that you can deliberately and consciously create whatever that you desire - right at this very moment!
Yours Truly,
Tony Chai
Are you sometimes haunted by your past and or suddenly becomes nervous just by thinking of the past? I admit that I do experience these feelings at times myself. But we don't have to, my friends. I have to come to understand that the past is already the past. Whatever that has happened is already over. Fretting over the past is not going to make us feel any better now. Besides, the past is never a reflection of what is going to happen to us in the future. So, we do not actually have to be a victim of the past. In fact, the past can serve as a useful lesson for us to learn to be wiser. And if we treat the past as a piece of useful information to guide us in our future endeavours, there is no reason for us to be afraid of it, right?
Similarly, we should not be worrying about the future. The future is not even here yet. Things have not even happened! So, there is no reason wasting your precious time and energy worrying about it.
But there is one way to shape your future, and that is to ...
focus on the NOW. Yes, "Now" is the moment that is always the most precious to us because IT is the only moment that we are living in it. Now is the only moment that we can do whatever that we desire to accomplish. We can't do something "in the past". Certainly we cannot perform something "into the future". We can only live in the present moment, and we should always be grateful that "NOW" is the only moment that we can direct our thoughts to our sub-conscious mind to accomplish anything that we truly desire.
If you've watched "The Secret", you'll remember that the way to manifest what you truly desire is to visualize that you are NOW living in your desired state right at this very moment!. When you could emotionally engaged yourself to feel that you've already achieved your true heart desire right in this very moment, you have actually "tricked" the sub-conscious mind into believing that you are already the person whom you desire to be. When this desire is conveyed to the Super-Conscious Mind by your sub-conscious mind, she will bring about the circumstances & resources to turn your desire into a reality.
One thing that you should constantly do right NOW is to be grateful of what you have already possessed. Be grateful that you are viewing this sentence at this very moment as a friendly reminder that you can deliberately create what you truly desire. Believe me that YOU have the power to consciously program your sub-conscious mind to create whatever you desire. This truth, though simple, is very powerful. It is a knowledge that is precious, since not many people are aware of it! Be constantly grateful, as this is a wonderful "flip switch" which will drive away your fear, worries and doubt instantly. Besides, being grateful creates the positive feelings whose energy level is more powerful than our negative thoughts. What's important is that this positive energy level is vibrating at the same frequency level as the Universe who is turning your desire into a reality.
In the timeless classic "The Science of Getting Rich" written by Mr Wallace D. Wattles, it is revealed that the more grateful you are, the faster you'll be able to manifest what you desire! And when combined with doing things in a certain way mentioned above, creating what you truly desire is only a matter of time. When you are focused on visualizing your true-heart desires, you are actually activating the "Law of Attraction". This law, just like any other laws like "The Law of Gravity", will never fail and will always work for everyone! But "Now" is the moment you have, so it's always the best time for you to attract your desire right now!
Mr Og Mandino, best-selling author of a number of inspirational books like "The Greatest Salesman in the World", "The Greatest Miracle in the World", "A Better Way to Live" etc., also emphasized the importance of "Living in the Now" to his millions of readers.
So remember, your NOW is the golden opportunity that you should grab hold of in order to shape your desired future. Treasure the present moment and be grateful that you can deliberately and consciously create whatever that you desire - right at this very moment!
Yours Truly,
Tony Chai
Friday, August 20, 2010
Review of "Wishing Well - A Guide To Creating Your Dreams Through Cosmic Ordering"
Dear friends,
Don't you wish you could be transported back to that fateful evening in the Arabian Nights, where you've just picked up the magic lamp, rubs it a couple of times, and "Poof!" - a Genie appears right before your eyes and grants you 3 wishes for freeing him from his entrapment? Isn't it wonderful if this Genie is for real? In our modern lives, everyone of us seems to be struggling over something, be it our job, relationship, finances or even our health. How we hope we could be granted just ONE wish to get us out of this rut, to be who we want to be, and to achieve what we truly desire to make our lives more meaningful.
The good news is, my friends, may be the Genie DOES exist in our modern lives. But instead of gifting us our wishes by his doings, he has handed us the Secret of how we can consciously create our wishes, in the form of a fine, neat little guide book called the "Wishing Well - A Guide To Creating Your Dreams Through Cosmic Ordering" written by Mr Steven Hall.
If you've read my earlier posts, you'll realized I've mentioned how powerful our Sub-Conscious Mind is to create the goal(s) that we truly desire. The wonderful thing is, our Sub-Conscious Mind has this intimate connection with the Super-Conscious, also known as the Universe or the Infinite Intelligence, who gathers all the resources, people & events to bring about the manifestation of our deepest desires. Mr Steven Hall refers to the process of planting our intention into our Sub-Conscious Mind as a "Cosmic Ordering" process, where if we applied the relevant steps properly, we will receive the desired outcome or our goal that we have conveyed to the Universe through our Sub-Conscious Mind.
You've probably read the book or have seen the DVD "The Secret". You've also practised the "Law of Attraction" regularly. But somehow you still feel short of achieving your goal. What could be wrong? What I think is that you might not have the step by step techniques to guide you on how you could manifest your desire or goal effectively.
Well, this book could be your answer.
As a Professional Psychologist and NLP Practitioner, Steven has helped his clients discover the abilities within themselves to claim back their desired life or achieve their goals with simple & practical hypnosis and NLP techniques. Even Steve himself has manifested his very own "dream house" with the steps which he knew very well that can turn his desire into a reality. The steps that he has laid out in his book are clear, practical and in line with what you have read from "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles, "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" written by Dr Joseph Murphy, "The Magic of Believing" by Claude M. Bristol or "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Instead of referring to all these books to guide you in your cosmic ordering process, you can now have Steven's book right beside you when you need a good friend & companion to get you back on track in your manifestation process.
A slight warning here.
The steps that Steven have laid out in his book are SIMPLE and practical, so simple that you may wonder "Is that all to it?". But from my practical experiences with the cosmic ordering process, the steps that he has mentioned DO WORK! Though they may seem simple (or even stupid :) if you are new to all these and may even scoff them off initially, I just want to share with you that these are actually very powerful steps! To be frank, I've already understood and have been practising these steps BEFORE I even bought this book! But The Divine Guidance always has a mischievous way in guiding me. She wittingly lets me know what I've discovered all along to be correct by presenting me with Steven's book; sort of like seeking a second opinion from a Doctor :).
To make my very own cosmic ordering story short, I'm glad to share that I've managed to manifest the funds that I require for a project through the steps mentioned in Steven's book; and it is coming to me soon. The amazing thing, it is arriving from a totally unexpected source! Here, we come to one of the most important step in your cosmic ordering process. When you've put up your desire or goal to the Universe, you MUST have utmost confidence that it is already a reality. You then have to LET GO. Yes, LET GO. Leave it to the Universe to bring it to you. Don't crack your brains thinking HOW it's coming to you. Don't force things to happen thinking it might speed up the process, though you are actually delaying it! Just remember that when the time is right for you to receive your desired outcome, The Universe will give you the hint. This is sometimes being referred as your Intuition. When you have that intuitive urge to act on something which you feel is in line with your goal or desire, you then act upon it without hesitation! Yes, your intuitive act is just that final step to take to harvest what you have initially wished for from the Universe!
My advice is, claim this wonderful book while it's still available at an affordable price. Then practice the simple techniques that Steven have laid out in the book consistently to achieve and receive your True Heart Desire.
Yours truly,
Tony Chai
Don't you wish you could be transported back to that fateful evening in the Arabian Nights, where you've just picked up the magic lamp, rubs it a couple of times, and "Poof!" - a Genie appears right before your eyes and grants you 3 wishes for freeing him from his entrapment? Isn't it wonderful if this Genie is for real? In our modern lives, everyone of us seems to be struggling over something, be it our job, relationship, finances or even our health. How we hope we could be granted just ONE wish to get us out of this rut, to be who we want to be, and to achieve what we truly desire to make our lives more meaningful.
The good news is, my friends, may be the Genie DOES exist in our modern lives. But instead of gifting us our wishes by his doings, he has handed us the Secret of how we can consciously create our wishes, in the form of a fine, neat little guide book called the "Wishing Well - A Guide To Creating Your Dreams Through Cosmic Ordering" written by Mr Steven Hall.
If you've read my earlier posts, you'll realized I've mentioned how powerful our Sub-Conscious Mind is to create the goal(s) that we truly desire. The wonderful thing is, our Sub-Conscious Mind has this intimate connection with the Super-Conscious, also known as the Universe or the Infinite Intelligence, who gathers all the resources, people & events to bring about the manifestation of our deepest desires. Mr Steven Hall refers to the process of planting our intention into our Sub-Conscious Mind as a "Cosmic Ordering" process, where if we applied the relevant steps properly, we will receive the desired outcome or our goal that we have conveyed to the Universe through our Sub-Conscious Mind.
You've probably read the book or have seen the DVD "The Secret". You've also practised the "Law of Attraction" regularly. But somehow you still feel short of achieving your goal. What could be wrong? What I think is that you might not have the step by step techniques to guide you on how you could manifest your desire or goal effectively.
Well, this book could be your answer.
As a Professional Psychologist and NLP Practitioner, Steven has helped his clients discover the abilities within themselves to claim back their desired life or achieve their goals with simple & practical hypnosis and NLP techniques. Even Steve himself has manifested his very own "dream house" with the steps which he knew very well that can turn his desire into a reality. The steps that he has laid out in his book are clear, practical and in line with what you have read from "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles, "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" written by Dr Joseph Murphy, "The Magic of Believing" by Claude M. Bristol or "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Instead of referring to all these books to guide you in your cosmic ordering process, you can now have Steven's book right beside you when you need a good friend & companion to get you back on track in your manifestation process.
A slight warning here.
The steps that Steven have laid out in his book are SIMPLE and practical, so simple that you may wonder "Is that all to it?". But from my practical experiences with the cosmic ordering process, the steps that he has mentioned DO WORK! Though they may seem simple (or even stupid :) if you are new to all these and may even scoff them off initially, I just want to share with you that these are actually very powerful steps! To be frank, I've already understood and have been practising these steps BEFORE I even bought this book! But The Divine Guidance always has a mischievous way in guiding me. She wittingly lets me know what I've discovered all along to be correct by presenting me with Steven's book; sort of like seeking a second opinion from a Doctor :).
To make my very own cosmic ordering story short, I'm glad to share that I've managed to manifest the funds that I require for a project through the steps mentioned in Steven's book; and it is coming to me soon. The amazing thing, it is arriving from a totally unexpected source! Here, we come to one of the most important step in your cosmic ordering process. When you've put up your desire or goal to the Universe, you MUST have utmost confidence that it is already a reality. You then have to LET GO. Yes, LET GO. Leave it to the Universe to bring it to you. Don't crack your brains thinking HOW it's coming to you. Don't force things to happen thinking it might speed up the process, though you are actually delaying it! Just remember that when the time is right for you to receive your desired outcome, The Universe will give you the hint. This is sometimes being referred as your Intuition. When you have that intuitive urge to act on something which you feel is in line with your goal or desire, you then act upon it without hesitation! Yes, your intuitive act is just that final step to take to harvest what you have initially wished for from the Universe!
My advice is, claim this wonderful book while it's still available at an affordable price. Then practice the simple techniques that Steven have laid out in the book consistently to achieve and receive your True Heart Desire.
Yours truly,
Tony Chai
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Power of Gratitude
Dear friends,
Have you ever wonder why being grateful is so powerful?
When you are appreciative of anything in your life and says the words "Thank You" sincerely, you are actually activating a vibrational frequency that is in alignment with what you desire. This means you have acted sub-consciously to attract the very desire that you are manifesting.
In the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
written by Dr Joseph Murphy, there is this interesting story about a young mother who run out of money and was jobless but had 3 children to feed. But despite her circumstances, she did not lost her faith in God and kept applying the "Thank You" technique. Every night and morning for about 3 weeks, she would repeat the words, "Thank You, Father, for my Wealth" faithfully. She would say these words in a relaxed manner until the emotions of gratitude overwhelmed her. By saying "Thank You, Father," repeatedly, her mind and heart were filled with the sweet joy of abundance. Shorty after, she met a former employer one day and was being offered a responsible, well-paid position by this employer. The employer even gave her some advance salary payment for her to tie through her current circumstances. Since then, She would never forget the amazing power of expressing her gratitude when she was constantly saying "Thank You, Father."
If you have also read the book, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More
, another excellent book written by well-known self-help guru, Dr Joe Vitale in collaboration with Dr Hew Len, the words "Thank You" are actually part of the phrase in the Secret Hawaiian Practice called the "Ho'oponopono". By expressing your gratitude, you are actually cleansing yourself of your self-limiting beliefs so as to accept the Divine's guidance willingly. This ties back to the belief in our Sub-Conscious mind that she will bring out whatever that we desire with her infinite intelligence instead of depending only on our limited conscious mind to manifest what we desire.
In my earlier post, I've mentioned a technique which you can instantly banish your worries, self-doubt, anger, jealousy etc. by practising what Dr Robert Anthony termed as The Flip Switch. When you are expressing your gratitude by saying "Thank You" sincerely, you are actually activating the "Flip Switch" technique which you will instantly connect to your sub-conscious mind to attract whatever that you truly desire instead of harbouring yourself with negative thoughts.
Saying "Thank You" is also a way to appreciate whatever that you have already possessed currently in your life. This naturally creates an emotion within which you truly feel blessed and abundant, and in turn builds an energy level which is congruent with the vibrational level of the Sub-Conscious mind and the Super-Conscious Mind who are in the process of bringing about what you desire. This is what the Universe has installed for you when you truly believe in her and you feel grateful that she is always helping you in turning your desire into a reality. Isn't Life Wonderful to know that you can consciously create the goal that you truly desire? So, be grateful in each and every moment for the blessings you are receiving right now.
Yours Truly,
Tony Chai
Have you ever wonder why being grateful is so powerful?
When you are appreciative of anything in your life and says the words "Thank You" sincerely, you are actually activating a vibrational frequency that is in alignment with what you desire. This means you have acted sub-consciously to attract the very desire that you are manifesting.
In the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
If you have also read the book, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More
In my earlier post, I've mentioned a technique which you can instantly banish your worries, self-doubt, anger, jealousy etc. by practising what Dr Robert Anthony termed as The Flip Switch. When you are expressing your gratitude by saying "Thank You" sincerely, you are actually activating the "Flip Switch" technique which you will instantly connect to your sub-conscious mind to attract whatever that you truly desire instead of harbouring yourself with negative thoughts.
Saying "Thank You" is also a way to appreciate whatever that you have already possessed currently in your life. This naturally creates an emotion within which you truly feel blessed and abundant, and in turn builds an energy level which is congruent with the vibrational level of the Sub-Conscious mind and the Super-Conscious Mind who are in the process of bringing about what you desire. This is what the Universe has installed for you when you truly believe in her and you feel grateful that she is always helping you in turning your desire into a reality. Isn't Life Wonderful to know that you can consciously create the goal that you truly desire? So, be grateful in each and every moment for the blessings you are receiving right now.
Yours Truly,
Tony Chai
the secret book,
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Law of Attraction
Dear friends,
The Law of Attraction states that whatever desire that you put your focus and attention on, it WILL be manifested. Simply put, it's like attracts like. But many people tend to attract disappointment and sufferings because that's what they are constantly focusing upon. They focus on what they DON'T want. Most people have the misconception that by focusing on the problems, the solutions will appear. This is the wrong way to apply the Law of Attraction. By now, you should know that to attract the outcome that you desire, you should instead focus on WHAT YOU WANT. This is the secret to impress upon your sub-conscious so as to bring out the resources and circumstances to attract the desired outcome you want.
The Law of Attraction, like the Law of Gravity, WILL NEVER FAIL. You must give some time for the desire that you've impressed upon your sub-conscious mind to appear. Once you've communicated your desire to your sub-conscious, have faith that the sub-conscious mind will go about its way to manifest the outcome that you desire. Your role is then to let go and have faith that it will come to you. Have an expectation that it will come to you but don't fret over HOW it will come to you.
But it doesn't mean that you just sit back and do nothing. When the time is right, the universe will send a signal for you to act upon. This is sometimes known as your intuition. You shouldn't hesitate when you receive a signal to do something. This is the way that the sub-conscious mind and the universe is telling you that your desire is on the way. Your intuitive act is merely a process to receive your desired outcome effortlessly. Taking action is merely harvesting what you have impressed upon the sub-conscious mind on what you desire.
Take for instance that you wish to take a bus to your destination. The destination is your desire. Your role is to wait at the bus stop which has the bus number that will bring you there. No matter whether your bus arrives the moment you go to the bus stop or that you've waited half an hour for the bus, your bus will eventually arrive! This is your faith that the desired outcome will come. You don't go about worrying why has the bus not arrived, has the route changed or has the bus broke down. You have faith that your bus will eventually arrive which will bring you to your destiny. That's the same faith that you put in when you manifest your desire. Sometimes, the Universe may create other avenues to fulfill your desire. Who knows, your friend may see your at the bus stop and gives you a lift to your destination. So, please remember that your sub-conscious and the Universe will always answer to your request. What they required from you is your utmost faith that it will come to you, when the time is right.
To Your Success,
Tony Chai
The Law of Attraction states that whatever desire that you put your focus and attention on, it WILL be manifested. Simply put, it's like attracts like. But many people tend to attract disappointment and sufferings because that's what they are constantly focusing upon. They focus on what they DON'T want. Most people have the misconception that by focusing on the problems, the solutions will appear. This is the wrong way to apply the Law of Attraction. By now, you should know that to attract the outcome that you desire, you should instead focus on WHAT YOU WANT. This is the secret to impress upon your sub-conscious so as to bring out the resources and circumstances to attract the desired outcome you want.
The Law of Attraction, like the Law of Gravity, WILL NEVER FAIL. You must give some time for the desire that you've impressed upon your sub-conscious mind to appear. Once you've communicated your desire to your sub-conscious, have faith that the sub-conscious mind will go about its way to manifest the outcome that you desire. Your role is then to let go and have faith that it will come to you. Have an expectation that it will come to you but don't fret over HOW it will come to you.
But it doesn't mean that you just sit back and do nothing. When the time is right, the universe will send a signal for you to act upon. This is sometimes known as your intuition. You shouldn't hesitate when you receive a signal to do something. This is the way that the sub-conscious mind and the universe is telling you that your desire is on the way. Your intuitive act is merely a process to receive your desired outcome effortlessly. Taking action is merely harvesting what you have impressed upon the sub-conscious mind on what you desire.
Take for instance that you wish to take a bus to your destination. The destination is your desire. Your role is to wait at the bus stop which has the bus number that will bring you there. No matter whether your bus arrives the moment you go to the bus stop or that you've waited half an hour for the bus, your bus will eventually arrive! This is your faith that the desired outcome will come. You don't go about worrying why has the bus not arrived, has the route changed or has the bus broke down. You have faith that your bus will eventually arrive which will bring you to your destiny. That's the same faith that you put in when you manifest your desire. Sometimes, the Universe may create other avenues to fulfill your desire. Who knows, your friend may see your at the bus stop and gives you a lift to your destination. So, please remember that your sub-conscious and the Universe will always answer to your request. What they required from you is your utmost faith that it will come to you, when the time is right.
To Your Success,
Tony Chai
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Secrets of Deliberate Creation
Dear friends,
I admit The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a good primer to guide how you can tap on your infinite, ever resourceful subconscious Mind.
But I believe the book can have more room to let you understand and explore the full potential of your subconscious mind and the Law of Attraction. This is where I believe Dr Robert Anthony's "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" program fills the void here. This program expands in teaching you on how to further harness this untapped potential and how to manifest what you truly desire deliberately.
Dr Robert Anthony's "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" is a comprehensive, 6-Parts audio program. They are all recorded in mp3 format. Thus, you can listen to them on the go with your mp3 player.
Do you always have feelings of doubts, fears or worries. These are your negative emotions. If you constantly carry negative emotions, you will never attract the desires you wish for. The audio program will explain why the "Law of Attraction" helps you attract the desires you want and also explain why you keep on attracting the negative circumstances that you DON'T want.
In his audio program, Dr Robert Anthony teaches you how to apply the law of attraction to attract what you desire in life. But there's an important component you need to do to attract what you desire using the law of attraction. This component is about creating a vibration that will attract what you truly desire. And it is revealed in the program a number of times. That's how important it is. In addition, you have to imagine that you have already achieved your dream or your goal. That's one of the essence of sending out a good vibration.
I hope you will listen carefully to the audio track about turning on your "flip switch". It is a simple technique but it is very powerful. So powerful that it can turn your life around. Don't forget that you will be learning the "ultimate secret to creating what you want" towards the very end of the program. Another important audio track.
Besides teaching you about creating your goals and desires deliberately, Dr Robert Anthony also mention the importance of pursuing your true heart desire. This is the secret towards achieving what you truly want.
You’ve probably seen the “Secret” DVD. You've understood the steps, and you've practised them constantly. But why haven't you achieve what you want? What could be wrong here? One reason could be : your conscious mind and subconscious minds are in conflict with one another. You know that consciously you yearn for something. But somehow deep within your sub-conscious, she tells you that you are not worth it, or that you can't possibly achieve it. This is where the conflict between your 2 minds occurs. Some of these resistances might be due to past memories which have become deep-rooted in your sub-conscious. Thus when a similar situation arises, the "blast from the past" return and brings out the fear in you. This is a protection mechanism from the subconscious to prevent you from "taking risks". But this also inadvertently becomes an obstacle that prevents you from moving forward if you always let the past haunt you. Dr Robert Anthony goes in-depth into this topic and recommends a simple way for you to overcome this conflict in Part 5 of the audio program.
If you asked me whether Dr Robert Anthony's "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" program is worth investing your time and money in it, I would say an affirmative "Yes!". This program is shaping what I desire to pursue in my life and I constantly listen to his audio program every day to remind me to stay focus in my goals and dreams. If you still do not know what you wish to achieve in your life, I advise that you invest yourself in this program. This program will not only give you the answer, it will also teach you how to live a fulfilling and happy life. It's that powerful!
The Secret of Deliberate Creation
Deliberate Creation Instant Self-Hypnosis
Hope this helps,
Tony Chai
I admit The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a good primer to guide how you can tap on your infinite, ever resourceful subconscious Mind.
But I believe the book can have more room to let you understand and explore the full potential of your subconscious mind and the Law of Attraction. This is where I believe Dr Robert Anthony's "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" program fills the void here. This program expands in teaching you on how to further harness this untapped potential and how to manifest what you truly desire deliberately.
Dr Robert Anthony's "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" is a comprehensive, 6-Parts audio program. They are all recorded in mp3 format. Thus, you can listen to them on the go with your mp3 player.
Do you always have feelings of doubts, fears or worries. These are your negative emotions. If you constantly carry negative emotions, you will never attract the desires you wish for. The audio program will explain why the "Law of Attraction" helps you attract the desires you want and also explain why you keep on attracting the negative circumstances that you DON'T want.
In his audio program, Dr Robert Anthony teaches you how to apply the law of attraction to attract what you desire in life. But there's an important component you need to do to attract what you desire using the law of attraction. This component is about creating a vibration that will attract what you truly desire. And it is revealed in the program a number of times. That's how important it is. In addition, you have to imagine that you have already achieved your dream or your goal. That's one of the essence of sending out a good vibration.
I hope you will listen carefully to the audio track about turning on your "flip switch". It is a simple technique but it is very powerful. So powerful that it can turn your life around. Don't forget that you will be learning the "ultimate secret to creating what you want" towards the very end of the program. Another important audio track.
Besides teaching you about creating your goals and desires deliberately, Dr Robert Anthony also mention the importance of pursuing your true heart desire. This is the secret towards achieving what you truly want.
You’ve probably seen the “Secret” DVD. You've understood the steps, and you've practised them constantly. But why haven't you achieve what you want? What could be wrong here? One reason could be : your conscious mind and subconscious minds are in conflict with one another. You know that consciously you yearn for something. But somehow deep within your sub-conscious, she tells you that you are not worth it, or that you can't possibly achieve it. This is where the conflict between your 2 minds occurs. Some of these resistances might be due to past memories which have become deep-rooted in your sub-conscious. Thus when a similar situation arises, the "blast from the past" return and brings out the fear in you. This is a protection mechanism from the subconscious to prevent you from "taking risks". But this also inadvertently becomes an obstacle that prevents you from moving forward if you always let the past haunt you. Dr Robert Anthony goes in-depth into this topic and recommends a simple way for you to overcome this conflict in Part 5 of the audio program.
If you asked me whether Dr Robert Anthony's "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" program is worth investing your time and money in it, I would say an affirmative "Yes!". This program is shaping what I desire to pursue in my life and I constantly listen to his audio program every day to remind me to stay focus in my goals and dreams. If you still do not know what you wish to achieve in your life, I advise that you invest yourself in this program. This program will not only give you the answer, it will also teach you how to live a fulfilling and happy life. It's that powerful!
The Secret of Deliberate Creation
Deliberate Creation Instant Self-Hypnosis
Hope this helps,
Tony Chai
Saturday, July 10, 2010
God is Always In You
Dear friends :
If you have this sudden bout of nervousness, fear, disappointment or even anger about the past or the future, do not be despair.
God Will Always Be With You.
It doesn't matter which religion you believe in.
God can very well be within you.
Mr Dan Brown, in his novel "The Lost Symbol", mentioned about us having the "Temple of God".
The strength we seek is very well within us.
We are the one who has the greatest ability to create what we want.
Instead of dwelling on your fears, worries, anger etc. why not switch to the positive affirmations that we have the most powerful capabilities within ourselves to create what we truly wanted.
Remember, your sub-conscious has connections to all the powerful resources in the universe. You must repeatedly impress upon it what you truly desire with deep-rooted emotions that you have achieved this goal now. As a seed needs time to fully grown to a tree. You must give the sub-conscious mind enough time to go about seeking the right resources, people so that the opportunity is presented to you in the most appropriate time and manner. Be patient for your desired outcome to arrive and have faith that you have already possessed it.
Being grateful for what you already possessed also speeds up the process of achieving your desire because it will activate the positive, vibrational level equivalent to the vibrational, energy level of the manifestation process.
Tony Chai
If you have this sudden bout of nervousness, fear, disappointment or even anger about the past or the future, do not be despair.
God Will Always Be With You.
It doesn't matter which religion you believe in.
God can very well be within you.
Mr Dan Brown, in his novel "The Lost Symbol", mentioned about us having the "Temple of God".
The strength we seek is very well within us.
We are the one who has the greatest ability to create what we want.
Instead of dwelling on your fears, worries, anger etc. why not switch to the positive affirmations that we have the most powerful capabilities within ourselves to create what we truly wanted.
Remember, your sub-conscious has connections to all the powerful resources in the universe. You must repeatedly impress upon it what you truly desire with deep-rooted emotions that you have achieved this goal now. As a seed needs time to fully grown to a tree. You must give the sub-conscious mind enough time to go about seeking the right resources, people so that the opportunity is presented to you in the most appropriate time and manner. Be patient for your desired outcome to arrive and have faith that you have already possessed it.
Being grateful for what you already possessed also speeds up the process of achieving your desire because it will activate the positive, vibrational level equivalent to the vibrational, energy level of the manifestation process.
Tony Chai
Friday, July 9, 2010
Paul Potts
Dear friends :
Mr Paul Potts used to be a mobile phone salesman.
He finally acts upon his self-belief and let it shines. Here we see him display his unique talent at the "Britain's Got Talent" Show.
It's a heart-warming performance from Mr Paul Potts during the first round.
He eventually won the competition and is now truly living his dreams.
Paul Potts Performance in Britain's Got Talent
Trust and Believe that You Can Too Achieve What You Truly Desire!!
Towards Your Success!!
Tony Chai
Mr Paul Potts used to be a mobile phone salesman.
He finally acts upon his self-belief and let it shines. Here we see him display his unique talent at the "Britain's Got Talent" Show.
It's a heart-warming performance from Mr Paul Potts during the first round.
He eventually won the competition and is now truly living his dreams.
Paul Potts Performance in Britain's Got Talent
Trust and Believe that You Can Too Achieve What You Truly Desire!!
Towards Your Success!!
Tony Chai
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Power of Your Sub Conscious Mind
Dear friends :
Recently I have experienced a marked improvement on how I handle situations.
I used to be anxious, worried and afraid when faced with a tough situation which from a logical point of view or from past experiences the situation seemed bleak.
It could be God's guidance that I've stumbled upon a powerful self-improvement book entitled "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" written by Dr Joseph Murphy.
From the book, I understand that our mind is divided into 2 spheres; the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind. The conscious mind is the reasoning mind where all your decisions and logical thinking originate. On the other hand, the sub-conscious mind is the creative mind. This is the portion of the mind which accepts what is consistently being impressed upon it and it will bring about whatever you desire as long as you have utmost faith and belief in it.
The sub-conscious mind does not argue or reason with you like the conscious mind. It's like a bed of soil and will accept any kind of seeds, whether you've planted good thoughts or bad thoughts in it. Remember that whatever you plant in the fertile soil of the sub-conscious mind, it will eventually take shape as you continuously nurture it with repeated affirmations and visualization of the desired outcome. Most importantly, you must have the unwavering belief that whatever you asked for, you shall receive it.
It has been known since ancient times that the sub-conscious mind is very powerful. It will connect to the vast resources in the universe to fulfill your desire as long as you keep on impressing upon it with your thoughts. The sub-conscious mind has commonly been referred to as the higher self, inner peace, the higher conscious or your intuition. When you receive an inspiration, it's very likely that it's a response from your sub-conscious mind for you to take some form of inspired action, an action that will draw nearer and nearer to the goal that you've conveyed to the sub-conscious mind.
From the book, you'll find out the various simple techniques that you can adopt straight away to tap on the unlimited resources that your sub-conscious mind will connect you to. This book will broaden your outlook towards life since you will no longer be acting on the limited capabilities of your conscious mind.
One particular technique that I find useful in eliminating your limiting self belief is to first quiet yourself down. When you've reached a calm and peaceful state, visualize yourself or give yourself positive affirmations that you have achieved your desired goal in the most confident, effortless and appropriate way. The subconscious mind will take this as a reality and will go about fulfilling your desire in the most resourceful way. What is left for you to do is to believe that the subconscious mind will not fail you and you are to act upon without hesitation any inspirations that the subconscious mind send to you.
You should be able to find this wonderful book in the local library. You can also choose to get it from the following link so that you'll have a permanent, constant companion to refer to whenever you want a refresher on how to tap on your powerful subconscious mind.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Towards Your Success!
Tony Chai
Recently I have experienced a marked improvement on how I handle situations.
I used to be anxious, worried and afraid when faced with a tough situation which from a logical point of view or from past experiences the situation seemed bleak.
It could be God's guidance that I've stumbled upon a powerful self-improvement book entitled "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" written by Dr Joseph Murphy.
From the book, I understand that our mind is divided into 2 spheres; the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind. The conscious mind is the reasoning mind where all your decisions and logical thinking originate. On the other hand, the sub-conscious mind is the creative mind. This is the portion of the mind which accepts what is consistently being impressed upon it and it will bring about whatever you desire as long as you have utmost faith and belief in it.
The sub-conscious mind does not argue or reason with you like the conscious mind. It's like a bed of soil and will accept any kind of seeds, whether you've planted good thoughts or bad thoughts in it. Remember that whatever you plant in the fertile soil of the sub-conscious mind, it will eventually take shape as you continuously nurture it with repeated affirmations and visualization of the desired outcome. Most importantly, you must have the unwavering belief that whatever you asked for, you shall receive it.
It has been known since ancient times that the sub-conscious mind is very powerful. It will connect to the vast resources in the universe to fulfill your desire as long as you keep on impressing upon it with your thoughts. The sub-conscious mind has commonly been referred to as the higher self, inner peace, the higher conscious or your intuition. When you receive an inspiration, it's very likely that it's a response from your sub-conscious mind for you to take some form of inspired action, an action that will draw nearer and nearer to the goal that you've conveyed to the sub-conscious mind.
From the book, you'll find out the various simple techniques that you can adopt straight away to tap on the unlimited resources that your sub-conscious mind will connect you to. This book will broaden your outlook towards life since you will no longer be acting on the limited capabilities of your conscious mind.
One particular technique that I find useful in eliminating your limiting self belief is to first quiet yourself down. When you've reached a calm and peaceful state, visualize yourself or give yourself positive affirmations that you have achieved your desired goal in the most confident, effortless and appropriate way. The subconscious mind will take this as a reality and will go about fulfilling your desire in the most resourceful way. What is left for you to do is to believe that the subconscious mind will not fail you and you are to act upon without hesitation any inspirations that the subconscious mind send to you.
You should be able to find this wonderful book in the local library. You can also choose to get it from the following link so that you'll have a permanent, constant companion to refer to whenever you want a refresher on how to tap on your powerful subconscious mind.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Towards Your Success!
Tony Chai
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Subconscious Mind Power
Hi friends :
Our Conscious Mind can only process 15 bits of information at any one time with our naked eyes. But there are actually 15 million bits of information surrounding us.
How do we tap into these abundant resources? Simple. Seek help from our Sub-Conscious Mind. And have the Faith & the Confidence that it will arrive by our bidding.
Tony Chai
Our Conscious Mind can only process 15 bits of information at any one time with our naked eyes. But there are actually 15 million bits of information surrounding us.
How do we tap into these abundant resources? Simple. Seek help from our Sub-Conscious Mind. And have the Faith & the Confidence that it will arrive by our bidding.
Tony Chai
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