Dear friends,
Are you sometimes haunted by your past and or suddenly becomes nervous just by thinking of the past? I admit that I do experience these feelings at times myself. But we don't have to, my friends. I have to come to understand that the past is already the past. Whatever that has happened is already over. Fretting over the past is not going to make us feel any better now. Besides, the past is never a reflection of what is going to happen to us in the future. So, we do not actually have to be a victim of the past. In fact, the past can serve as a useful lesson for us to learn to be wiser. And if we treat the past as a piece of useful information to guide us in our future endeavours, there is no reason for us to be afraid of it, right?
Similarly, we should not be worrying about the future. The future is not even here yet. Things have not even happened! So, there is no reason wasting your precious time and energy worrying about it.
But there is one way to shape your future, and that is to ...
focus on the NOW. Yes, "Now" is the moment that is always the most precious to us because IT is the only moment that we are living in it. Now is the only moment that we can do whatever that we desire to accomplish. We can't do something "in the past". Certainly we cannot perform something "into the future". We can only live in the present moment, and we should always be grateful that "NOW" is the only moment that we can direct our thoughts to our sub-conscious mind to accomplish anything that we truly desire.
If you've watched "The Secret", you'll remember that the way to manifest what you truly desire is to visualize that you are NOW living in your desired state right at this very moment!. When you could emotionally engaged yourself to feel that you've already achieved your true heart desire right in this very moment, you have actually "tricked" the sub-conscious mind into believing that you are already the person whom you desire to be. When this desire is conveyed to the Super-Conscious Mind by your sub-conscious mind, she will bring about the circumstances & resources to turn your desire into a reality.
One thing that you should constantly do right NOW is to be grateful of what you have already possessed. Be grateful that you are viewing this sentence at this very moment as a friendly reminder that you can deliberately create what you truly desire. Believe me that YOU have the power to consciously program your sub-conscious mind to create whatever you desire. This truth, though simple, is very powerful. It is a knowledge that is precious, since not many people are aware of it! Be constantly grateful, as this is a wonderful "flip switch" which will drive away your fear, worries and doubt instantly. Besides, being grateful creates the positive feelings whose energy level is more powerful than our negative thoughts. What's important is that this positive energy level is vibrating at the same frequency level as the Universe who is turning your desire into a reality.
In the timeless classic "The Science of Getting Rich" written by Mr Wallace D. Wattles, it is revealed that the more grateful you are, the faster you'll be able to manifest what you desire! And when combined with doing things in a certain way mentioned above, creating what you truly desire is only a matter of time. When you are focused on visualizing your true-heart desires, you are actually activating the "Law of Attraction". This law, just like any other laws like "The Law of Gravity", will never fail and will always work for everyone! But "Now" is the moment you have, so it's always the best time for you to attract your desire right now!
Mr Og Mandino, best-selling author of a number of inspirational books like "The Greatest Salesman in the World", "The Greatest Miracle in the World", "A Better Way to Live" etc., also emphasized the importance of "Living in the Now" to his millions of readers.
So remember, your NOW is the golden opportunity that you should grab hold of in order to shape your desired future. Treasure the present moment and be grateful that you can deliberately and consciously create whatever that you desire - right at this very moment!
Yours Truly,
Tony Chai
the correct pronunciation is:
ReplyDeleteOm shreem hreem kleem shreem
Lakshmiragaccha gachh
Mam mandire tishta tishta swaha