Tuesday, August 29, 2017

NeuG7 water activator for pet lovers

Dear friends,

It's great to meet up with Mr Tsujimoto again. This kind gentleman has just shared with me another benefit of the NeuG7 water activator.

As shared in my previous posts, I have personally witnessed how the NeuG7 water have benefited my elderly parents and my friend.

During our meet up, Mr Tsujimoto showed me a few photos of how the NeuG7 activator water has helped to heal a domestic dog from the agony of a skin ailment that has caused his fur to fall off. When the owner was introduced by his kind neighbour to bath his pet dog with NeuG7 activator water, the dog's skin problem was healed gradually.

From the photos, you can see that his fur has grown back healthily, just because the owner has bathed him in NeuG7 water.

This is indeed amazing news for pet lovers who want the best for your beloved pets to be healed from ailments with the help of NeuG7 water.

NeuG7 activator water is also beneficial for our own good health maintenance.

PS. Kindly contact Ms Shirley Ang for information about the Neutrino Water VG7 Tel : +65 9615 6861 or you can email her at ssatt@singnet.com.sg

Thank You!
Warmest Regards,

Tony Chai

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Because God is always near us

Dear friends,

Because God is always near us,
we can feel God’s love for us,
we can feel God is protecting us,
we can feel God is guiding us,
we can feel God is leading us Home.

Thank You God for always be with us.

Warmest Regards,

Tony Chai

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Let there be Love

Dear friends,

Let there be Love.
Let there be Light.

For God loves us,
and leads us Home,
as we embrace the love from God.

As Sons of God,
we are blessed and loved by God.

Let there be Peace within us.

The ego likes us to harbour hatred, fear.

Instead, turn to God’s Love.

Let Peace comes in and dwells in us.
This is God’s love for us.

The love from God enlightens us, and protects us from evil.

This is not a real world that is filled with hatred, jealousy,
for God’s Kingdom is Love, Peace and Forgiveness.

Best Regards,

Tony Chai

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Being Grateful

Dear friends,

Let the first words we say when we wake up in the morning be "Thank You."
Thank You for everything, God.
Thank You that I am still alive.

If worries creep in, switch to being grateful.
Let God's Love embrace us.

Worrying can't solve the problem.
Be at peace with God and let the solution arrives.

Let there be light.
For God loves us and wish the best for us.
We are blessed, forever, with the Love from God.

Best Regards,

Tony Chai

In God we Trust

Dear friends,

Let there be Light.
For God love us and want the best for us.

We trust that it has to happen this way.

Have faith and be at peace with God.
Everything will be fine.

Best Regards,

Tony Chai

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Have a Little Faith

Dear friends,

If it works, you have reached Home.
If it is not working, God will lead you Home.

Trust God.
Have Faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed.

God loves you, always.

Best Regards,

Tony Chai

God’s Love Prevail

Dear friends,

God Prevails
Love Prevails
God’s Love Prevails

We are Blessed.

Best Regards,

Tony Chai

Monday, February 27, 2017

Do Not Be Despair - A Couse in Miracles

Dear friends,

Do not be despair.
God loves you and will never wants to see you fail.
You do not need to feel sad, disappointed, fear or to worry.
You are not alone because God is always near, if you believe in Him.
He loves you and you only need to give Him your love too.

You must have faith and trust.
This helps you to be at peace with God and know that your source is always near.
It's always given to you in abundance.

Your deep sense of love is what brings joy to you. It also gives you contentment,
peace and gratitude in life.

So please remember. You are not alone because God is always near.

Your love of God will bring you peace and happiness forever.

Best Regards,

Tony Chai

PS. I would highly recommend that you study A Course in Miracles. It will transform your life forever.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Meeting an old friend and the mini NeuG 7 water activator system

Dear friends,

It's been a long time since I met Mr Tsujimoto San. He is a friend as well as a mentor to me. It is a blessing to be able to visit and greet him on one of the Lunar New Year Day.

It is nearly 20 years since I get acquainted with Mr
Tsujimoto. He has introduced me to the ESP Cosmic Energy, a beautiful and powerful energy source from the Universe that has helped and blessed me in these years that I have believed in it. 

I am also surprised to learn that Mr
Tsujimoto is already now in his 80s. He still looks and talks energetically at this prime age. I believe that a gentleman who has a kind heart like him deserved to live a long life. Currently, he is still doing good deeds to enhance people's lives each and every day.

At the same time, I strongly believe that Mr
Tsujimoto's good health at this prime age is due to his regular drinking of the living water from the NeuG 7 water activator system. This water is amazing. I am grateful and impressed beyond words when I personally witnessed how the NeuG 7 water activator system has helped recovered the health of my friend and my parents.

You can read my previous posts regarding these experiences in Post #1 and Post #2

During this particular auspicious day that I have visited him, I am glad to see that a new product has been introduced to benefit frequent overseas traveler and families on vacation trips. It is known as the mini NeuG 7 water activator system. With this portable device, you can now enjoy the benefits of the NeuG 7 purified living water when you are traveling to and staying overseas for a while. It is a pocket size device that lets you filter the portable water that you bought overseas into NeuG 7 water (with the help of another bottle, please see photo).

As we all know, when we are staying in a foreign country, it is very important to maintain our health if we want our trip to be both enjoyable and safe.

This portable and yet powerful device can certainly free our mind of any worries whether the water that we are drinking during overseas would be healthy; as I believe in the NeuG 7 water and have personally experienced the good benefits of drinking the
NeuG 7 purified living water everyday.

PS. Kindly contact Ms Shirley Ang for information about the Neutrino Water VG7 Tel : +65 9615 6861 or you can email her at ssatt@singnet.com.sg

Thank You and wishing you and your loved ones good health.

Warmest Regards,

Tony Chai

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Salvation is NOW

Dear fellow believers,

God, please bring me home, to my Salvation.
I know I do not have to wait till reincarnation for it.

You have gifted me my life.

Leading me home is, I understand, is already achieved in my life right now.

As I embrace your Love now, I am at Home.
I am in Salvation.

If God asks me, am I awakened now?
I will say Yes.

As I receive your light now, your forgiveness and
your eternal Love for me, I am in salvation.

Thank You.

Tony Chai

PS. I would highly recommend that you study A Course in Miracles. It will transform your life forever.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Story of A Course in Miracles

This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum.   It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the Peace of God.


Tony Chai

PS. I would highly recommend that you study A Course in Miracles. It will transform your life forever.