Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Down The Rabbit Hole..(Law of Attraction)

Dear friends,

Science has discovered that atoms are made up of much more empty space than matter. In fact, there is as much as 95% of an atom that is empty space.

The potential power that exists in the empty space of an atom is vastly greater than all of the energy that exists in its matter.

For example, in a hydrogen atom the energy that exists in its latent empty space is a trillion times more powerful than all of the matter that exists in an area of our world that is within a circumference of 20 million light years from us.

And that empty space in an atom is actually Consciousness (also called the Mind of God). Consciousness is capable of vibrating at any frequency necessary to create any reality one can imagine.

Now, within the Quantum field, all components of the atom that we call matter are in a state known as superposition, meaning that the matter actually exists as a potential (or a wave of possibility) to be anything imaginable.

And when Consciousness vibrates at a specific frequency, then things of that same frequency show up in actual reality, all around us. For example, if your consciousness is vibrating at a frequency that matches plastic, then you will have the experience of living in a society where plastic is prevalent. And the same goes for all of life’s imaginable experiences.

So the trick is to figure out how to cause your own Consciousness to vibrate at the same frequency as the elements that make up your most endearing goals.

Quantum Physics has left out the one thing that makes this happen. When Einstein decided to eliminate the observer from his equations, consciousness lost its presence in Quantum Physics. As a result, Quantum Physics has yet to realize that the observer is the element that is needed to cause consciousness to vibrate at the frequency necessary to create matter.

Jesus tried to teach people how to do this. Its very difficult to explain this to people today let alone when Jesus was on earth and didn’t have examples found in Quantum Physics to help him clarify this; so he used parables, but always told people that the miracles that he himself performed could be performed by anyone. “These things ye shall do, and greater than these, ye shall also do.

So, getting back to the observer; how does the observer cause the necessary vibration in bread to change frequency so that the bread becomes fish?

The observer must do two things in order to accomplish such an objective. The first thing is that the observer must believe with every particle of his/her being that it is possible, meaning, you must have the FAITH.

The second thing is the observer must be mentally present. Mentally present means that such a pure focus exists that no other thought in the mind comes in to distract the observer from his/her intent. Much like when athletes go into the state of consciousness known in sports as the zone.

Unfortunately, people have been trained to analyze everything in life as opposed to being trained to use their minds to become still and present. So, it takes a lot of practice to train your mind to focus well enough to create the frequency necessary to change subatomic potential (or waves of possibility) into particles of concrete reality.

This is what a persons brain is being trained to do when a person is practicing Meditation. In Meditation, the objective is to become "Present".

So, once the mind is focused intently enough and the level of acceptance (or the absence of doubt) exists in every particle of your being, then miracles are performed.

Athletes who experience the state of consciousness called the zone will tell you that everything around them slowed down and they were able to masterfully perform at a level far beyond their usual abilities. This is a result of their focus being so pure and combined with their intent to perform at a better level than they normally do.

So when you combine a present state of mind with a specific intent, not only does this begin causing particles at a subatomic level to change from a state of potential existence into actual reality, but it also moves you ever closer to ridding yourself of the doubt in your mind of the possibility of realizing any objective.

And the stronger your level of acceptance is, then the quicker you'll be able to change the frequency of vibration in the necessary atoms that will eventually result in the creation of your goals.

All atoms vibrate at a specific frequency. And an atom’s frequency of vibration depends upon what the specific material is that the atom is a part of.

So to sum it all up, when the atoms in your brain that aren't being used previously begin to vibrate at a specific frequency, then baby neuronets form in your brain, and those neuronets mature and begin firing or transferring information to more and more neuronets in unused areas of your brain.

When this happens, whatever matches the frequency of vibration begins showing up in your world. And when neuronets begin "firing" new information on a significant scale, then your attitude about what is possible begins changing. I'm sure you've heard throughout your life many times; Attitude is everything. It is. When your attitude changes, everything changes.

Article Source : http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Down-The-Rabbit-Hole/3742612

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