Saturday, July 10, 2010

God is Always In You

Dear friends :

If you have this sudden bout of nervousness, fear, disappointment or even anger about the past or the future, do not be despair.
God Will Always Be With You.
It doesn't matter which religion you believe in.
God can very well be within you.
Mr Dan Brown, in his novel "The Lost Symbol", mentioned about us having the "Temple of God".
The strength we seek is very well within us.
We are the one who has the greatest ability to create what we want.
Instead of dwelling on your fears, worries, anger etc. why not switch to the positive affirmations that we have the most powerful capabilities within ourselves to create what we truly wanted.
Remember, your sub-conscious has connections to all the powerful resources in the universe. You must repeatedly impress upon it what you truly desire with deep-rooted emotions that you have achieved this goal now. As a seed needs time to fully grown to a tree. You must give the sub-conscious mind enough time to go about seeking the right resources, people so that the opportunity is presented to you in the most appropriate time and manner. Be patient for your desired outcome to arrive and have faith that you have already possessed it.
Being grateful for what you already possessed also speeds up the process of achieving your desire because it will activate the positive, vibrational level equivalent to the vibrational, energy level of the manifestation process.


Tony Chai

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