Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Certified Law Of Attraction Practitioner

Dear fellow friends,

I'm glad to inform that I've just attained the status of a Certified Law Of Attraction Basic Practitioner. I'm especially proud that the certificate carries the signature of Dr Joe Vitale. He is one of the better known Self-Help guru whom I respect greatly. I loved his works including "The Attractor Factor", "Attract Money Now!", "Zero Limits" and also the wisdom he gave in "The Secret".

Please feel free to ask me if you've any queries relating to the Law of Attraction.

You can also check out my Law of Attraction work "The No Fluff Cheat Sheet To Getting Anything From The Cosmic Universe!"

Thank You & May The Cosmic Universe Be With You, Always!

Tony Chai

Friday, May 25, 2012

Quantum Jump To Your Riches!

Dear fellow friends,

You may be fascinated to know that at this very moment, there could be a different "YOU" that exists in a different parallel dimension, or even ...

in a Different Universe..

You could very Now be ...
- a very successful businessman in one universe, or you could be
- a renowned scientist or doctor in another dimension, or
- you could possibly be a beggar slogging for your life in another universe ...

Now that you've stumbled upon this phenomenon, let me introduce you to an amazing program called - the PDQ program, created by Mr Burt Goldman.

PDQ stands for Parallel Dimension Quest. The PDQ program helps you to explore the multiple universes in existence to fulfill your goals and dreams.

Scientists and Quantum Physicists believe that the Universe is Infinite. Within this infinity, it is proven that multiple universes co-exist as different parallel dimensions.

This leads to the realization that there could be a different "You" who co-exists in different parallel dimensions, assuming different roles, attitudes, behavior; even having different levels of successes (or failures) right at this very moment!

The core of the PDQ program is about "Quantum Jumping", where Mr Burt Goldman's goal is to teach you how to leap frog yourself into the parallel dimension where you see yourself successful and have reached the goals you desired!

Although Scientists and Quantum Physicists can prove that multiple parallel dimensions do exist, Mr Burt Goldman felt that that they may NOT be aware on how you can actually connect to your specified parallel dimension - the parallel universe where you are already successful and have become your reality!

That's where Mr Burt Goldman boldly claims - that his PDQ program can help you connect to your parallel dimension where your success and goals will be transformed into your physical reality..

Find Out This Amazing Program Right HERE...

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Monday, March 26, 2012

Theta Wave Binaural Beats

Dear fellow friends,

For those of you who don't know what Theta waves are - they're number ‘2' of the slowest type of brainwave that occurs regularly in your brain. Theta waves normally surface when you're experiencing potent emotions, including when you're most creative or have heightened spiritual feelings.

Theta Wave Binaural beats can help you experience your true self and feelings by using Theta waves in recordings designed especially to improve a behavior pattern or get rid of an addiction.

There's another brainwave called "Beta" that influences other area of your brain.

When you've been on Beta brainwaves too long, you might experience imbalances in your potassium and sodium levels. Your conscious level then experiences a lack of concentration and mental fatigue.

Sodium and potassium levels can be reset when you experience Theta waves. These two minerals help transport valued chemicals in and out of brain cells. When these two important mineral levels are reset, you'll feel refreshed, mentally relaxed and ready to focus on work or creative pursuits.

Since we're all different, many of us can delve into Theta states easier than others. Those who practice relaxation and meditation techniques on a regular basis are more likely to experience the many positive effects of Theta brain waves more naturally – and faster.

It may also help to know that Theta waves are found in our brains when we experience deep relaxation, a spurt of learning activity and when we're close to sleep. Understandably, Theta waves occur more often in children.

Scientific studies have found that people who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can't focus as well because of less activity of Theta waves.

More people are realizing the positive benefits of Theta waves – and are using binaural beats to achieve a Theta state of mind.

Some other positive effects of Theta waves are :

-    Healing – The body heals much more complete and much faster when you're in the Theta state.

-    Intuition – Who doesn't want to have more acute intuition? You can work on improving your intuitive qualities with Theta waves.

-    Confidence – Theta waves brings a sense of self-esteem to your brain. You'll feel more confident about your skills and capabilities in a Theta state.

-    Emotional connections – Renew your enthusiasm about a relationship by experiencing Theta waves within binaural beats.

Artists, writers and other creative people often have more Theta waves than others. They also experience lack of creativity when they've been in the Beta state too long. Theta wave binaural beats are very effective for those who need to rid themselves of writer's block or other creative roadblocks.

The good news is that everyone is now able to experience more Theta waves by using binaural beats specifically designed to produce them. Look online for the various types of Theta wave binaural beats that are available and choose one that can help you achieve a desired mental state.

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

The Best Binaural Beats

Dear fellow friends,

Searching for the best binaural beats can be a daunting experience, especially if you're a beginner to the binaural beats world. There are statistics that have determined the most popular binaural beat subjects from surveys of users. They include :

-    Meditation - Alpha recordings to produce Alpha brainwaves that help you influence Your Subconscious Mind. After listening you should feel a burst of energy and confidence.
Theta recordings help produce Theta brainwaves which are very powerful in helping you with creativity and relaxation.

-    Anxiety - These sound waves influence you to achieve a more relaxing state of mind... Studies indicate that listeners to binaural beats for anxiety is much safer and often more effective than the harmful effect of pills... 

-    Weight Loss - Permanent weight loss has been achieved by listening to binaural beat recordings designed to help you lose weight. Obesity is one of our most complicated personal problems and binaural beats can put you in a state of mind that gets rid of cravings and hunger pains.

-    Prosperity - Financial success is accomplished by hard work and focusing on the task at hand. Binaural beats for success and prosperity can help your concentration efforts and also align you with your Subconscious Mind to allow & receive the money flow and abundance into your life

-    Sleep - Getting a good night's sleep is another difficult state to reach in today's stressful world. Binaural beats can help you achieve deep Delta brain waves, which translate into a deep, wonderful sleep - naturally.

-    New Experiences - Have you always wanted to step into the spirit world or dabble in astral projection? There are binaural beat recordings especially designed to take your brainwaves into a mental state that lets you try it out.

-    Chakra - Chakra is a mental state that helps with clarity and balance. Many types of recordings for Chakra binaural beats can be found online. You may want to try a sample before deciding which would be most advantageous for you.

-    Lucid Dreaming - Binaural beat recordings for more lucid dreams can help you take your dream experiences to another level. You'll be able to remember your dreams more clearly and also to analyze what they mean.

- Sexual Performance - There are also binaural beat recordings that can help bring back harmony into your love life. These include overcoming impotence, achieving more satisfactory love making, increase orgasm and even improving the chances of pregnancy..

To succeed in purchasing the best binaural beats for the mental state you want to achieve, it's best that you research all you can before making a decision. Sample some of the free recordings and make a note of those that you respond to most positively.

You'll find all the information you need at online sites and in articles written especially about binaural beats. When you purchase a recording, be sure that it targets the mental state you're trying to achieve and that it's ranked high by experts as one of the best binaural beats.

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Friday, March 23, 2012

Transform your life with binaural beats

Dear fellow friends,

What Are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats is a term that we're fast becoming familiar with. Scientists who study the brain have been focusing on binaural beats for some time to gain a better understanding about how brainwaves and sound frequencies can influence certain mental states.

Basically, binaural beats are generated sounds designed to modify your brainwaves to influence moods and change harmful behavior patterns. You can also achieve certain realms of consciousness, such as relaxation or sleep.

Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered the process in 1839 and the effects of binaural beats have been the focus of many scientific and medical studies ever since. Now we know that binaural beats can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, creativity, meditation and other sought-after mental conditions.

Binaural beat recordings can be found online, some downloaded for free while others can be purchased. Some also come with video images that increase the intensity of the binaural beats.

There are a number of binaural beats designed to help you with whatever habits or situations you're trying to alleviate. For example, one online site offers recordings of binaural beats that can help with losing weight, manifesting prosperity, stress and anxiety, insomnia, depression and even improving your sexual performance.

Scientific studies performed on unconscious patients have confirmed that binaural beats do have a positive effect. The time it takes to realize success from binaural beats varies from seven minutes (minimum) to 30-45 minutes.

Receiving a positive effect from binaural beats requires focusing on the tone. It's the same sort of syncing that happens as we listen to certain music, and also depends on electro-magnetic fields and the dominant brainwave frequency. The binaural frequency may change several times during a session to create the best possible outcome.

Many are turning to binaural beats as a self-help developmental tool. The process isn't addictive and is completely safe, although it's not recommended for those who have epilepsy. It's fast becoming another form of alternative health care that people are using rather than pills or other harmful methods to combat sleep disorders, obesity, anxiety and depression, just to name a few.

We've only scratched the scientific surface of the ways that binaural beats can help – both medically and emotionally. Studies are currently being performed and more information is sure to surface soon.

The sounds of binaural beats are all different, depending on what you're seeking help for. Some sound like “white noise,” while others might resemble rainfall. Most online binaural beat websites let you sample a sound through your computer before you make a decision to purchase.

Using binaural beats as a way to combat behavior or health problems isn't new, but the amazing effects of the process are just beginning to become known. Before you download or purchase a CD or DVD of binaural beat recordings, do some online research and discover more about what it's all about and how it might help you.

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Down The Rabbit Hole..(Law of Attraction)

Dear friends,

Science has discovered that atoms are made up of much more empty space than matter. In fact, there is as much as 95% of an atom that is empty space.

The potential power that exists in the empty space of an atom is vastly greater than all of the energy that exists in its matter.

For example, in a hydrogen atom the energy that exists in its latent empty space is a trillion times more powerful than all of the matter that exists in an area of our world that is within a circumference of 20 million light years from us.

And that empty space in an atom is actually Consciousness (also called the Mind of God). Consciousness is capable of vibrating at any frequency necessary to create any reality one can imagine.

Now, within the Quantum field, all components of the atom that we call matter are in a state known as superposition, meaning that the matter actually exists as a potential (or a wave of possibility) to be anything imaginable.

And when Consciousness vibrates at a specific frequency, then things of that same frequency show up in actual reality, all around us. For example, if your consciousness is vibrating at a frequency that matches plastic, then you will have the experience of living in a society where plastic is prevalent. And the same goes for all of life’s imaginable experiences.

So the trick is to figure out how to cause your own Consciousness to vibrate at the same frequency as the elements that make up your most endearing goals.

Quantum Physics has left out the one thing that makes this happen. When Einstein decided to eliminate the observer from his equations, consciousness lost its presence in Quantum Physics. As a result, Quantum Physics has yet to realize that the observer is the element that is needed to cause consciousness to vibrate at the frequency necessary to create matter.

Jesus tried to teach people how to do this. Its very difficult to explain this to people today let alone when Jesus was on earth and didn’t have examples found in Quantum Physics to help him clarify this; so he used parables, but always told people that the miracles that he himself performed could be performed by anyone. “These things ye shall do, and greater than these, ye shall also do.

So, getting back to the observer; how does the observer cause the necessary vibration in bread to change frequency so that the bread becomes fish?

The observer must do two things in order to accomplish such an objective. The first thing is that the observer must believe with every particle of his/her being that it is possible, meaning, you must have the FAITH.

The second thing is the observer must be mentally present. Mentally present means that such a pure focus exists that no other thought in the mind comes in to distract the observer from his/her intent. Much like when athletes go into the state of consciousness known in sports as the zone.

Unfortunately, people have been trained to analyze everything in life as opposed to being trained to use their minds to become still and present. So, it takes a lot of practice to train your mind to focus well enough to create the frequency necessary to change subatomic potential (or waves of possibility) into particles of concrete reality.

This is what a persons brain is being trained to do when a person is practicing Meditation. In Meditation, the objective is to become "Present".

So, once the mind is focused intently enough and the level of acceptance (or the absence of doubt) exists in every particle of your being, then miracles are performed.

Athletes who experience the state of consciousness called the zone will tell you that everything around them slowed down and they were able to masterfully perform at a level far beyond their usual abilities. This is a result of their focus being so pure and combined with their intent to perform at a better level than they normally do.

So when you combine a present state of mind with a specific intent, not only does this begin causing particles at a subatomic level to change from a state of potential existence into actual reality, but it also moves you ever closer to ridding yourself of the doubt in your mind of the possibility of realizing any objective.

And the stronger your level of acceptance is, then the quicker you'll be able to change the frequency of vibration in the necessary atoms that will eventually result in the creation of your goals.

All atoms vibrate at a specific frequency. And an atom’s frequency of vibration depends upon what the specific material is that the atom is a part of.

So to sum it all up, when the atoms in your brain that aren't being used previously begin to vibrate at a specific frequency, then baby neuronets form in your brain, and those neuronets mature and begin firing or transferring information to more and more neuronets in unused areas of your brain.

When this happens, whatever matches the frequency of vibration begins showing up in your world. And when neuronets begin "firing" new information on a significant scale, then your attitude about what is possible begins changing. I'm sure you've heard throughout your life many times; Attitude is everything. It is. When your attitude changes, everything changes.

Article Source :

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Attracting Wealth.. Sacred Tips for You

Dear fellow friends,

I hope the following tips on attracting wealth can help transform your life...

Attract Wealth with the Unwavering Faith that You Deserve to be Abundant

Do you sometimes feel that other people probably deserve more wealth than you? These feelings must be cleared before the Universe can allow the wealth to flow into your life.

You have to believe that you are as worthy as other people. God has created everyone to be unique to have come to this world. Everyone has his or her Higher Calling in life.

You have to believe that the Universe will not hesitate to grant you the wealth if you ask for it. The Universe does not withhold the wealth from you - it is only you who is doing that.

Attract Wealth through Relaxation and Confidence

The Attraction of wealth into your life does not require struggle.

If you're fighting, there is a good chance that you are blocking the wealth instead of allowing it to come to you.

To attract wealth, just relax and have trust.

Trust that you will know the right steps to take. Trust the Universe will guide you to the most effective and fastest way to achieve your goal. Have faith that what your desire is well on the way.

Attract Wealth by Feeling Rich Now

The surest way to attracting wealth in your life is to feel rich NOW.

If you surrender to feelings that you are incomplete, that you're empty or that you do not have enough, you are going to attract more situations that make you feel that way.

Instead, when you feel joyful, abundant, relax, and yes, rich. You just can't fail to attract more situations that make you feel that way, including attracting a lot of money.

Attract Wealth by Giving in to the Universal Mind

One of the most liberating moments of your life will be when you finally understand you do not have to figure out exactly how to become rich, the Universe will show you the path step by step.

You just need to focus on your intention to be wealthy and abundant. It is rare that our journey unfolds as we what we expect. Very often you'll be taken on an amazing journey in life to discover events which are magnificent and impressive, far exceeding your expectations. You just have to keep your good thoughts and emotions in place.

Attract Wealth by Exploring the Potential of this Moment

No matter how difficult things have been for you in the past, any time right at this very moment offers a brand new opportunity for you to Focus on your wealth and get in tune with the Essence of Wealth to be rich now.

Do this powerful technique consistently. Day by day, you will feel more empowering, inspiring and life changing.

Attract Wealth by Learning from Mistakes

I believe everyone has attracted some negative circumstances at certain stages in his or her life.

Don't put too much blame on yourself. Pick up yourself by admitting that you've made a mistake and have learned a good lesson from it.

Everyone makes mistakes - but true wisdom comes from learning from them and try again.

Attract Wealth by Recognizing the shortage and lack are only illusions

The more you focus on "not having enough" and such circumstances, you will attract these perception back into your life.

Instead, put more focus on being rich, happy and serene. Such external circumstances will be reflected back to you.

Attracting Wealth by Taking Full Responsibility of Your Life

No matter who or what appears to be influential in your life, remember that everything you experience starts with your own thoughts.

It can be hard to swallow that you could create unpleasant circumstances into your life, although you are doing this subconsciously.

When you create your intentions, understand the importance of directing your thoughts to where which is most beneficial.

When you truly understand how powerful your thoughts are, you will appreciate the importance of order. You'll know that you can consciously and deliberately create what you desire in life.

You have the power to inspire so many wonderful changes in your life, including attracting abundance and wealth.

Connect with the Essence of Wealth

What is True Wealth?

By focusing on attracting wealth into your life, you'll find it useful to spend time each day to tune your consciousness to the very essence of wealth.

The Essence of Wealth is the very way you Feel when you think about it.

How does it feel to have more money? What is it like to have a bank account filled to the brim with cash? What is it like to live in your dream home? How does it feel to embrace your financial freedom now?

When you can tune in to these feelings regularly, you are tuning in to the vibrational frequency of wealth itself. You will then start attracting more of that into your life.

You can either feel lonely, helpless and surrender to your current circumstances, or you can learn to deliberately create the life that you've always want to live TODAY...

Hope that helps,

Tony Chai

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Attract Wealth with this Rich Katha

Dear fellow friends,

Do you frequently pray or chant a mantra to ask for what you want?

In her life inspiring book “Do Less, Achieve More”, Miss Chin-Ning Chu reveals that prayers and mantras are of divine origin.
"Being born of divine, mantras are not subject to the dualism of the earthly laws, and they carry within their essence the seed of divine power and truth. This is the true power that can change lives and circumstances to move you into the dynamic vortex to manifest all of your worthy dreams for your life.
When practicing a prayer or mantra, you are not aligning with your limited mental power or success, but with the divine power and truth – which can indeed move mountains!"
What I wish to present to you here is a Katha that will help attract prosperity and financial abundance into your life. A Katha is a chant or mantra that is of Divine origin. With repetitive chanting of this Katha, you are deeply connected with the Divine as One and be able to draw the power from the Divine to fulfill your goals in life. In this case, the Enhanced rich Katha is able to help you draw riches into your life for the financial betterment for yourself and your loved ones.

Chant 3 , 5, 7 or 9 times

The Enhanced Rich Katha derives from a Sacred Monk in Thailand, Luang Phor Lue Sie Lingdam. He is the late Abbot of Wat Thasung. He is also the greatest and closest disciple of Luang Phor Parn of Wat BangNomKho. The Rich Katha originated from Luang Phor Parn.

Luang Phor Lue Sie Lingdam was assigned by Lord Buddha in meditation to help build the nearly deserted Wat Thasung, Chainart Province. Luang Phor Lue Sie Lingdam initially declined this assignment. But Lord Buddha promise to help him accelerate and to draw donation to the temple. One auspicious day while Luang Phor Lue Sie Lingdam was meditating, he received the Enhanced Rich Katha from Lord Buddha. He started to chant this Katha earnestly everyday. 

As a result, money flowed from every directions in aid of constructing the temple. Later, Luang Phor Lue Sie Lingdam received a special grant from Lord Buddha in meditation to teach this great Katha to his disciples and people. Many of them became richer and richer and were able to donate a large sum of money to the construction of the temple.

You can find out more about the origins of the Rich Katha and the Enhanced Rich Katha here.

Thus, I hope that this Enhanced Rich Katha can also help you to attract the prosperity to improve your current situations. I sincerely hope that you will also spread this Katha to others whom you feel would find it useful. Last but not least, I also hope that you will donate generously to the needy when you have managed to accumulate your wealth.

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Do less, achieve more – are you?

Dear fellow friends,

I’ve just finished a wonderful book and wish to recommend it to you. The book’s called “Do Less, Achieve More” by Miss Chin-Ning Chu.

By the look at the title, you may think this is about doing things the lazy way. Well, it’s not so much about being lazy, but rather, it is about accomplishing what you want in an effortless way.

This book talks mainly about making peace with your body, mind and soul so that you’re at your optimal state to live a better life.

When your mind is at ease, you can create wonders.

You can achieve far more than if you struggle and let anxiety control your life. This book intertwines the author's delightful insights into life with the chronicles of how the Rainmaker has brought rain to the village - with guidance from the Divine..

This book delicately combines the 1. practical and 2. spiritual applications of how we can achieve the success we desire, while doing less. It reveals the path to you with 3 Secrets...

The 1st secret advocates that you should Fine Tune Your Action. The author reiterates the good habit of relaxing yourself and embracing ease so that you can do more. When you tackle any tasks with great anxiety, you are taking tremendous efforts but achieve little. You are desiring and thinking too much. You are tired even before you start.

Learn to strike a balance between the efforts of striving and the ease of fluid action. She suggests that to ease your anxiety, learn to know what to give up. Don’t over-exert yourself. Accomplish what is needed and let the Angel of Good Fortune catch up with you.

Miss Ching-Ning Chu also suggests that you should feel contented everyday. Praise yourself for the daily achievements that you accomplish everyday, whether they are big or small. Rejoice your capabilities. Be grateful of what you have now. This will motivate you to move on to the next challenge with a sense of bliss.

I think you will love the Directed Dreaming Technique that she goes on to recommend. This technique can transform your life to help you fulfill your ambitions in life. You'll learn to tap on the principles of quantum leap to jump-start your goal manifestation process through actions such as visualization, creating your vision board, excelling yourself by attempting things you can’t do and also mimicking whom you aspire to be.

The 2nd secret is about Putting Your Mind At Peace. Miss Chu reminds us that when one is suffering from irritation and a stressful lifestyle, it is meaningless - unless it is accompanied with wisdom. Irritation is a gentle reminder for us to readjust our lives. When we treat our struggles like playing a competitive game of soccer, we start to appreciate stress as an inevitable part of the human condition. Have fun while playing the game of life. We are the divine within, we have the power to achieve anything that we set our heart on.

Giving in to the divine will does not mean we are weak. We accept this as divine guidance to apply our strengths and capabilities in areas to bring about the betterment for us and our loved ones. Every failure is guiding us towards our higher calling in life. She assures us that we encounter no failures in life, only divine redirection.

Do not be afraid to entertain the possibility of not surviving and facing your worst circumstances; for these are moments that you will experience a sudden burst of blissful courage that is rooted to your willingness to not survive. When you are willing to face death, its spirit will protect you from the fear of being harmed.

Ms Chu also recommends us to grant ourselves grace. Be good to yourself. Affirm that you are complete and perfect. You are bigger than the obstacles you face. Don’t beat yourself down. We are the divine within that thrives and live within us. Also, be graceful to others. Do not bear hatred to others, do not resist their behaviors that you cannot condone. How hateful you are will determine how hateful your mind will be to you in equal amount. Free yourself of such hatred. Rejoice that you are graceful; and it will invite the positive circumstances to come into your life.    

The 3rd Secret is about Discovering The Divine Power. Ms Chu recommends us to stop reacting to every circumstances. Practise restfully controlling. She imparts a few meditation techniques that teach us how to stay calm and in the “present”. This will allow us to live and work more effectively. 

I particularly like the HAM’SA  breathing technique. She claims that in ancient time, this technique is secretly guarded.  Students has to clean cowsheds for 18 years to prove their worthiness to receive this profound teaching. 

This breathing technique basically requires you to quiet down yourself in a serene location and breath deeply in and out. By steady fixation of the mind at the 2 spaces between the breaths, you will experience the full nature of Bhairava – God. It is the gateway to the mystery of this Universe and beyond.

Ms Chu concludes by advocating readers to learn to let go. For most of us, the fear of letting go of our efforts and struggles is what keeps the struggle and effort in place. The  more we dwell on the recurring theme that “if I give up my efforts and struggle, God will punish me for not struggling and trying harder”, the more we reinforce our behavior to equate hard work & struggles with success. "Freedom is born out of experiencing that there is no need for suffering and struggling". It is knowing, “I am releasing and letting go.”

You'll love this wonderful book that gives you so many delightful insights on how to live your life at ease with the least efforts…

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Attracting Money With The Law Of Attraction

Dear friends,

Transform Your Life - Think Right Now!

Many people want to know how to get more money. You may have seen the DVD "The Secret" and followed the guidelines, but still find yourself not achieving what you want. Did you do something wrong? Are you just not smart enough to "get it"?

Not at all. You see, the movie "The Secret" was only a superficial introduction to the deeper things of the law of attraction. It's not just thinking positive, visualizing houses, cars and money, and then all of a sudden having it all fall out of the sky. Not at all.

The Law of Attraction goes deeper than your thoughts, your deepest wishes, and your intentions. It goes to that unconscious level of you that you didn't know you had. You can catch a glimpse of this when you dream. We've all dreamt things that we would not ordinarily do in our every day life. That's the part that the Universe, God, Super-consciousness or whatever you want to call it responds to.

The key to manifesting more money in your life is to bring all of the different levels of YOU in harmony into one single focus. Now that is a little more complex then just saying affirmations or looking at pictures of fancy cars and houses.

It's about letting go of deep rooted thoughts such "the rich are getting richer", "money is the root of all evil", or that there is something noble or spiritual about being poor and struggling.

Now at first you may think that you don't believe any of that. Consciously, you may not, but deep down inside it may be a totally different story. That's where meditation comes into play, and constantly asking yourself how you feel. Here's a test to show you just how you feel about money.

Can you imagine manifesting an extra $25 by the end of next Friday without having done anything strenous or difficult to get it? How does that feel? Now imagine manifesting an extra $10,000 by the next of next Friday without having done anything strenuous or difficult to get it. Do you feel a difference there? That is called inner resistance.

You see most people have resistance to money. They don't know it unconsciously until it's brought to their attention. They associate one with the other. They think they have to work overtime to get extra money, or win the lottery, or struggle or steal to get that extra money. In truth, the possibilities are infinite, and they can happen where everyone involved can benefit.

This is a mindset that is not easily attained just by reading this article. It is a daily practice of questioning yourself. You also have to make friends with money.

Money is an energy, much like you and I. Everything in this Universe is made up of energy. Intelligent energy. Therefore, having a healthy love of money, will attract it to you. That is the basis of the law of attraction.

What you show love to, will want to come to you more and more. If you are broke and short on money, be sure to always keep a few coins or a few dollar bills in a sack and during the day count it and hold it.

Become thankful for that money and send love to it. It may sound strange to you, since in most parts of the world we are taught that if you are not struggling and if you're wealthy, that you must be doing something wrong. That's insane.

You were meant to live abundantly. You deserve whatever it is that you want, simply because you want it.

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Universal Wealth Secrets - You Can Finally Control Your Life!

Dear friends,

If you've read my reviews, you would know that I’m a bit of a self-help junkie. Yes, I'm a self-confessed Law of Attraction enthusiast. I truly believe in the power of our subconscious mind in shaping our purpose in life.

I’m a big believer of affirmations, visualizations and the like, only because these things brought dramatic change into my life. And I feel that it’s only fair that I share these things with you in an effort to give back what I’ve been fortunate enough to receive.
Which is why I admire Chris D’Cruz, because he follows the same exact principles that I make a point to live my life by.

I love his first product, “Universal Life Secrets”, and this time I’ll be writing about his latest release, aptly named “Universal Wealth Secrets".

So what exactly is “Universal Wealth Secrets” all about?

Chris D’Cruz boldly claims on his site that you’re about to “discover the secret to forcing the universe into granting you a destiny of incredible wealth and unimaginable success”, and then he asks you if you’re “ready for a life-altering experience.”

Chris is nothing if not dramatic; he made similar bold claims for “Universal Life Secrets”, claiming that you’d have limitless godlike powers to create your own reality as you see fit. He even offered to give you your money back if you’re not convinced after 60 days (he makes the same offer for “Universal Wealth Secrets”).

I have to admit, the first time I read such bold claims I was quite cynical. It was such a bold promise that I immediately thought he wouldn’t be able to deliver. But having tried Universal Life Secrets for myself, I was confident that Chris would deliver yet another astonishing product with “Universal Wealth Secrets”.

You’ll be glad to know that I wasn’t disappointed.

Universal Wealth Secrets” is a 170 page guide on how you can attract wealth and prosperity into your life. Broken down into 12 chapters, each chapter addresses an important aspect of wealth attainment. From fundamentals that grant you a better understanding of the true definition of wealth, to crucial lessons on how you can attain wealth in every sense of the word,

Right from the get-go he reveals the secret to making and managing money (Chapter 2), and then reveals to you the various avenues open to your money-making endeavors (Chapter 5). You’ll be surprised by just how many money-making opportunities (Chapter 8) you’ve been missing out on all this while... I know I was.

But the "Universal Wealth Secrets" is more than just a 170 page ebook. Chris also throws in a process map that shows the path to wealth in a linear, straightforward manner. While it’s easy to get lost amongst all the fundamentals and concepts in the book, the process map really does wonders getting you back on track if you get confused over what’s required of you as you work your way toward achieving abundant wealth in your life.

There’s also a brainwave entrainment audio that Chris claims will “reprogram your mind and transform you into a conduit for incredible wealth attraction”. Simply put, this audio will turn you into a money magnet. The nice thing is, the audio is soothing to listen to, and has helped me de-stress after a hard day’s work.

All in all, while I won’t say that “Universal Wealth Secrets” will make you an overnight millionaire, it’s still a great start to get you on the road to riches if you’ve been struggling for years to earn your first million.

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Transform Your Life - Think Right Now

Dear friends,

"The Power of the Subconscious Mind", a book written by Dr Joseph Murphy, is like a godsend to my prayer. It opens up a whole new world for me to understand the power of our hidden potential that is all along within us. I used to feel that I am alone in tackling my difficulties or obstacles that sometimes paralyzed me. After reading this book, I understand that our subconscious mind comes to our rescue when we learn to let go and let her guide us to our solution. Our subconscious mind is the subtle power within us. She listens to our intention and gifts us the answer when we learn to relax ourselves. We simply have to quiet down ourselves, clear our mind, and listen to what our soul has in store for us. When we are clear, we are actually opening up ourselves to let our subconscious mind reveals the steps for us to take. It could be an intuitive moment, a light bulb moment, or a "flash of brilliance", that inspire us to act upon this intuition. If it makes it feel good taking this particular action, then you know that is the answer. The solution may even be an effortless one for you. You happen to recall a memory or experience which has yielded you a desired outcome previously. That helps to support the action that you're going to take.

Our subconscious mind can be our strong ally to motivate and encourage us. But when we start to focus on the negative aspects of our lives, our subconscious mind take this as what we want and start to create the negative events that match our consistent negative thoughts and emotions. For instance, if you keep worrying about the lack of money, do you realize you will keep attracting situations that match such thoughts and feelings? You start worrying about paying your bills, whether your job will last, whether you will become sick suddenly and incur a hefty medical bill.

But when you switch to feeling financially abundant irregardless of your current circumstances, you will feel optimistic. You may start to attract opportunities that bring you unexpected income, you start to meet people who gift you such opportunities. You are not afraid to give and you will give generously. Then when you starts giving, you receives! Your financial condition starts to brighten.

But we must admit that sometimes we do have beliefs that are stuck in our subconscious mind that hinder us from achieving what we desire. Back to the wish to become financially abundant, I do get frustrated and worried at times on how to improve my financial condition. I am glad that it is another Godsend I have found the "Think Right Now!" audio program.

This program has helped to improve my attitudes and behaviors towards achieving financial abundances tremendously. It is achieved by constantly reinforcing positive affirmations into my subconscious mind. I gradually become more confident, calm and open to any opportunities that align me to what I like to do. In turn, I also obtain financial rewards for doing the things I'm passionate about.

I've mentioned earlier that the subconscious mind listens to your intention when you are deeply relaxed. The "Think Right Now!" program begins with a relaxation session which first brings you into an "Alpha" state. This is where your brain cells vibrate at a slow 8-12 cycles per second (cps).The "Alpha" brainwave state is the secret to your heightened recall and accelerated learning.

After listening to Track 1 which helps you relax your body and mind, you then proceed to listen to Track 2, which contains 20 minutes of positive affirmations. These affirmative statements are repeated 3 times at the intervals of 8-12cps. There's also a soothing music playing in the background at 60 beats per minute. Frequent listening to these affirmations will induce a higher state of learning known as hyper amnesia or rapid memorization. Tracks 3 and 4 have the same format as Tracks 1 and 2, but with different content. By listening to the "Think Right Now!" CD diligently, you are well on your way towards improving your current situation.

In addition, when you play these amazing programs while you sleep, with their special pacing and repetition of the statements, they take advantage of your even deeper subconscious brainwave patterns - the Theta waves (4-8 cps). This is a mental state where deep emotional changes can occur with great speed. The more often you play any "Think Right Now!" programs while deeply relaxed or sleeping, the faster the new attitudes, motivation and actions you desire will come.

The "Think Right Now!" audio program uses a proven technology that is a breakthrough in the field of thought & behavior modification. It expands on the research of the Bulgarian Scientist, Dr. Georgi Lozanov. After listening this program for 2 weeks, I personally feel that I am re-conditioning my subconscious mind to slowly adopt the new attitudes and let go of my self-delimiting beliefs. I gradually become and think like the person who is open to any possibilities or opportunities to become financial abundant.

To further enlighten you on this issue, Dr Robert Anthony, in his excellent audio program called "The Secret of Deliberate Creation", has asked a thought-provoking question to his listeners : "If you know what you want, why aren't you getting what you want?" He then gave the reason that it was because there was a conflict in what we are consciously want and what our subconscious mind wants. For example, we may tell ourselves, "We want more money". But our subconscious mind rebut us, "It's difficult to get more money in this economic situation." or even, "do you deserve more money?" Can you see how this conflict is preventing us from getting what we want?

Since young, our subconscious mind has been accumulating and storing our beliefs based on what we see, look and hear. They are also build on our own past experiences. It is good if we have positive beliefs which will motivate us to keep improving ourselves to do better. We also store memories and experiences that reinforce such good beliefs in our subconscious mind.

On the other hand, when we start to accumulate negative beliefs and the memories associated with them, they can instead harm us. When such negative beliefs become deep-rooted in our subconscious mind, we may find it difficult moving forward when we let these negative beliefs creep up on us. We feel like we are frozen on the track like a deer stuck in headlights. Sometimes, some of these negative beliefs may not even be the truth. You could have listened to some rumors. Then you recalled a memory or experience that somehow matches the incident. You have subconsciously reinforce a false belief which is self sabotaging to you.

Dr Robert Anthony suggest an excellent advice when you encounter such situations, and that is, to switch to feeling good when negative beliefs and emotions start to weaken you. When you switch to feeling good, you will at least create the energetic vibrations to draw positive circumstances that will resolve your difficult moments.

Dr Robert Anthony also recommends that the other effective way is to clear your deep rooted negative beliefs and replace them with positive, encouraging beliefs. I believe the latter method is what the "Think Right Now!" program is able to achieve, which is to help people who have held such conflicting beliefs between their conscious and subconscious mind throughout their lives.

If you have always been held back by your fears, worries and anger and wish to improve all aspects of your life from today onwards, why not give yourself a chance with the "Think Right Now!" audio program? Besides the topic on improving your financial abundance, there are other topics that may interest you like losing weight, increase your self confidence, be more motivated, increase your sales performance, conquer your fear and anxiety in social situations or even in public speaking. With a small investment, you are able to turn your situation around just by listening to this positive affirmations CD. Thus, I believe it is worth your time to at least give it a try.

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Monday, February 6, 2012

Attracting Abundance With... Oxygen?

Dear friends,

The law of attraction is all about magnetizing your visualization so that whatever that you have asked the universe for, will be attracted to you. One of the most important practices to harness the powers of electro-magnetic energy in the body is to sleep with the head of the bed pointing North, parallel to the earth’s magnetic poles. When all the molecules in the body are synchronized in one direction, they become magnetic, and will draw whatever you wish for from the universe.

Another important element in harnessing this magnetic energy is the practice of deep breathingOxygen is food for the brain and it has magnetic qualities. Practice deep breathing in an opened window where the air is fresh.  Do not breathe the petrol-laden air of the streets, because they contain contaminants like carbon monoxide that poisons the body cells. If you can help it, breathe the morning air in the garden, where fresh oxygen has just been released from the plants’ photosynthesis. Or breathe the morning air on the hills or the salty breezy air of the sea. Oxygen makes you magnetic and causes your thoughts to attract whatever you are asking from the universe.

The quality of the air and the oxygen is in its best in the morning, because the production of oxygen by the plants and trees is done at night. This is the reason why when we wake up in the morning to go to the office, we notice that the air is cool and fresh, because the oxygen has just been produced.  We become more energetic and alert when we breathe in the morning air, as compared with the afternoon air.

If you can wake up at 5 am in the morning (I suggest you do because a lot of successful people wake up at this time as a matter of discipline), do your meditation, visualization and deep breathing at the same time by an opened window, provided it is not too cold. When I meditate, visualize and performed deep breathing as I send out my intention to the universe. With the sound of birds chirping in the distance, it makes my meditation surreal and powerful. After spending about 20 minutes on this, I reward myself with a hot cup of tea. What a wonderful way to start the day!

The quality of the manifestations by the universe and the end result is dependent on the quality of your thought power. The signal that you send out has to possess the power of electro-magnetic energy harnessed from the earth’s magnetic poles and the fresh oxygen of the morning. When you are magnetic, the universe will hear you more clearly, because your thought waves are more powerful. You will begin to notice life starting to change for the better.  Your wishes will come true, you become healthier and more energetic, and people find you more attractive.

Would You like a Free preview of my step-by-step guide “The No-Fluff Cheat Sheet To Getting Anything You Want From The Cosmic Universe!” to learn how to manifest your goals and dreams, and manifest them Fast Too? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE...

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

The Law Of Attraction And Beyond..

Dear friends,

Currently, anyone seeking information relating to the secret of success and true happiness will be bound to come across what is known as "The Law of Attraction". This is a modern description used for a very old and ancient theory that has been passed through the ages. The Law of Attraction covers things like :

1. the power of positive thinking
2. the belief in thoughts creating things and
3. the concept that like attracts

The above are theories that form the foundation of the philosophy.

The old saying "only as high as I reach can I grow" is a perfect example of the concept of the law of attraction having been around for some time. Put most simply, it is the belief and philosophy that what you believe, think about and expect is what will be drawn to you in the way of your life and experiences that you have within it. According to this theory, the secret of success lies mostly in what you focus on and think about all day every day. If you are focused on the negative, believing you can't possibly achieve your dreams, then that is the experience that you will have. Alternatively, if you focus on the fact that you can do anything you set your mind to and you have full confidence and faith in yourself, the experiences you have will reflect this.

Many negative people like to joke around and say "so does that mean if I sit here and constantly think only about a cheeseburger, it will appear before me?" Ridiculous jokes are simply a sign of deep routed negativity and an inability to change one's thought processes to unlock the true secret of success.

You have to be willing to let go of the thought patterns that are keeping you trapped in your current situation and way of living. If you allow yourself to spend hours worrying about not having enough money and all the bills you are going to be receiving that you can't pay, you will only succeed in attracting more of those experiences to you.

It can be a confusing concept to grasp at first, it is certainly isn't an easy task to instantly start thinking thoughts of love and light, self confidence and perfect happiness. But progressively over time you can turn your way of thinking around and develop a deep sense of knowing and trust in the universe to provide exactly the experiences you need to create joy and find the secret of success for you personally.

Don't waste another minute of your powerful thought energy on the idea that it is a difficult fight out in the world to try and get your share of money and happiness – if you believe there is not enough for everyone, then there won't be in your reality.

The law of attraction doesn't only reflect back to you your beliefs and ideas relating to money and financial success. It is very important to be a right thinker when it comes to your personal life too. An example is with relationships in your life. If you allow yourself to think that everyone is out to take advantage of you, or friends only want to use you for money and a free ride, this will be the kind of person you continually attract into your life and circle of friends. Same goes with a partner – do not focus on the negatives, and make the choice to think about their positive traits that you love so you will see more of this in them all the time.

The Law of Attraction and the secret of success are so prevalent in society today you will be left behind if you choose to ignore the information that is available to you. A fantastic way to gain a comprehensive insight into the philosophy and how you can utilize it to change your life for the better is to buy a good book or watch a production like "The Secret" movie on DVD. There is an abundance of information, personal stories and examples being shared by believers world wide to assist you in creating personal abundance in your life starting from today!

In summary, start thinking positively and you will find success knocking at your door and lead you to better things.

That is the Law of Attraction!

Tony Chai

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Attracting Abundance With The Power Of Visualization

Dear friends,

Are you attracting abundance successfully?

Visualization is a Law Of Attraction tool that has been used for thousands of years by advocates of all the metaphysical schools.

Today, it is incorporated into top athlete's daily routines and is used in business affairs frequently. Its use is wide-spread among highly successful people, either consciously or unconsciously, who are aware of its creative power. So if it has stood the test of time and is still being used by high achievers, we must come to the conclusion that it works!

But has it ever worked for you?

If you answered 'yes' to the above question, then you know how powerful this technique can be. If, on the other hand, you gave the more likely answer 'no', then take heart - for I am about to reveal to you a sure-fire way of reaching your objectives through this mostly misunderstood art.

The trouble with visualization is simple - it's in its name!

When studying and contemplating the "Law Of Attraction" and the art of visualization, most people have the impression that they must create visual images and make them real or life-like. Many people, in fact the majority, find this almost impossible to do. Even if they can formulate a solid picture of their objective they find it extremely difficult to sustain the image for any length of time. Either the image fades, changes or other intruding thoughts intervene.

This type of visualization is almost impossible to sustain and luckily it is not at all necessary.


Because it is in the subconscious mind that your visualization needs to be placed; and there is good news. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between an imaginary event and a real one. Your visual image only needs to be a strong visually as any other imagined event. However, that is only half the story.

If all you had to do was just imagine stuff and your world automatically changed to reflect your imaginings, this world would be full of chaos (not to mention all those creepy crawly bug-eyed monsters!). Therefore, there are a few more steps to complete before the visualization is passed to the subconscious for the manifestation of your goals or desires.

Let's try a little experiment. Remember a scene from your past that has a lot of good feelings around it. Any good memory will do, like the first time you heard the words "I love you" from your partner, an amazingly spectacular sunset, a great holiday event or your last birthday. Pick one and remember it. How clear is the image? Can you remember any sounds? What way did you feel? Is there any sense of touch, taste or smell? Identify how your memory works. Is it mostly visual, auditory, kinaesthetic or of a feeling nature?

Now we are going to create an imagined event in our lives that has the same strength and potency as that image. So relax and let go.

Imagine something that you do everyday, something that you did yesterday, today and will do tomorrow. Let us take the example of waking up tomorrow morning. Don't try to add or take anything away, just think about it and analyse the scene. Is it dark or light? Are you lying next to someone in bed? Do you still feel tired? Has the alarm clock sounded? Are you irritable that you have to get up or full of joy at the dawn of a new day?

You will find that the imagined event is very similar to the memory with probably one key difference - your point of perspective. Is the memory behind you and the future event in front of you? Is one to the left and one to the right? Maybe they are both in front of you or the future seems to move in a clockwise direction. Whatever the perspective the thing to notice is that they are very similar in appearance.

Now imagine doing your future event a week from now, then a month from now, then six months from now. Where are those images placed? Are they moving further away, going clockwise, from left to right? This is your time-line and using it is important in visualization as you will see later.

Ok, let's imagine something that is very unlikely to happen and see where it differs from the last image.

Imagine you are sitting somewhere familiar which is extremely comfortable and relaxing to you. Now imagine that the person you know well comes up to where you are and say "Hello". Imagine him telling you that he wants to show you a new trick. All of a sudden he has 3 juggling balls. He throws them in the air and begin to juggle with ease. Then he begins to whistle one of your favorite tunes. You suddenly realize that there is a strong smell of flowers in the room and notice a vase of these flowers just behind the juggler. Imagine laughing loudly at the scene and feeling joyful at the experience. Then the person juggling leans forward, stands on one leg and puts the other leg outstretched behind, all the while still juggling and whistling. Then he begins to hop the other leg as a small bird flies over to perch on his head. Once you have the imagined event and stayed with it a few moments, just let it fade.

Ok, now open your eyes. What was the difference between the two images? Can you spot any? Did you use more, less or roughly the same senses in your fantasy event as you did in the future one? Did you see them from different angles? Was the picture bigger in one than the other? Was the sound clearer, the feelings more acute or the smell stronger?

Take some time and go back to each scene in your mind. How does the future event differ from the fantasy one? Are you looking at both from a different vantage point? Do you see yourself in the image of one but not the other? Analyse the scenes and see where they differ.

Have you identified how the future event differs from the fantasy one? If you have then its time to make visualization work for you!

Take a goal that you have been working on or would like to achieve. Nothing too far-fetched at this point please! Pick something that is possible but at the moment seems a little impractical. Once you have it form a mental image of what it would be like to have, be or do that thing or be in that experience. Remember to form it the same way you do in a memory. Give it the same strength visually, in sound, feeling, taste and touch - use your mind in its natural state. All you have to do is imagine the scene.

Ok how does it differ from the scene of waking in the morning? Can you identify the differences in perspective, sound, taste, touch, feelings and what you hear?

Now there will be one other key thing that differs in the images - it is very simple but often overlooked. You must have the positive expectations that the future event is going to happen! This is reflected in the way we experience the image. So what we are going to do is fool your subconscious mind into thinking your goal is definitely going to happen by manipulating your goal image!

Once you know what the differences are in each image, begin to change the goal image so that it is seen the same way as the future event in your imagination. Place the visualized scene in exactly the same position with the same perspective as your future event.

Place it in the correct position on your time-line. You may already begin to feel that the goal is more possible.

Visualise in this way everyday and you will condition your subconscious mind to manifest the experiences necessary to make your goal attainment certain.

One more thing to remember: During the day think about your goal often. This reinforces the visualization and will begin to dispel doubt from your mind.

VISUALIZATION is just one of the way in my step-by-step guide “The No-Fluff Cheat Sheet To Getting Anything You Want From The Cosmic Universe!” to help you manifest your goals &  dreams, even in attracting money! CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE...

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

Monday, January 30, 2012

Connect with your loved ones...

Dear friends,

I hope this short video will motivate you and connect you with your loved ones. Have you said "I Love You.." to your loved ones lately?


Tony Chai

Friday, January 27, 2012

God and Opportunities

Dear Fellow Friends,

In this heart warming scene from "Evan Almighty", Joan had a chanced encounter with GOD..

Joan felt that her husband, Evan, "had gone bonkers" trying to build an Ark...

GOD shared something meaningful with her - which I believe will also change, or at least, revive your confidence in life or what You Believe in...

I sincerely wish that you can also connect with the Cosmic Universe to manifest what you truly desire!

Tony Chai

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Are you still stricken by FEAR?

Dear fellow friends,

Are you afraid to pursue what you want in life because you are stricken with fear of whether you will succeed?

Are you holding on to a job that you absolutely hate because you are fearful that if you pursue what you are passionate in, will it ever fetch you a regular income or paycheck?

It's all about Fear! Fear! Fear!

If you’ve been held ransom by this emotion for a long time – that has prevented you from going after what your heart knows is best for you to achieve in your life, then I believe this video will help you...

Yours Truly,

Tony Chai

Friday, January 6, 2012

Here’s How To Manifest Money FAST...

Dear Fellow Friends,

Recently, I came across this video where Thomas Mooneagle performs a simple & yet powerful “manifest a money miracle” for viewers to attract money quickly.

Frankly, I didn’t think much about it in the beginning and just gave it a try. I was pleasantly surprised that after watching this video, a current trading position I have that was initially in negative territory began to turn positive.

Since this has created a wonderful experience for me, I wish to share this video with you too. I hope that you can also attract money quickly after watching how Thomas perform the “manifest a money miracle” for you :) Enjoy!!

VISUALIZATION is just one of the way in my step-by-step guide “The No-Fluff Cheat Sheet To Getting Anything You Want From The Cosmic Universe!” to help you manifest your goals &  dreams, even in attracting money! CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE...

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai