Thursday, February 9, 2012

Universal Wealth Secrets - You Can Finally Control Your Life!

Dear friends,

If you've read my reviews, you would know that I’m a bit of a self-help junkie. Yes, I'm a self-confessed Law of Attraction enthusiast. I truly believe in the power of our subconscious mind in shaping our purpose in life.

I’m a big believer of affirmations, visualizations and the like, only because these things brought dramatic change into my life. And I feel that it’s only fair that I share these things with you in an effort to give back what I’ve been fortunate enough to receive.
Which is why I admire Chris D’Cruz, because he follows the same exact principles that I make a point to live my life by.

I love his first product, “Universal Life Secrets”, and this time I’ll be writing about his latest release, aptly named “Universal Wealth Secrets".

So what exactly is “Universal Wealth Secrets” all about?

Chris D’Cruz boldly claims on his site that you’re about to “discover the secret to forcing the universe into granting you a destiny of incredible wealth and unimaginable success”, and then he asks you if you’re “ready for a life-altering experience.”

Chris is nothing if not dramatic; he made similar bold claims for “Universal Life Secrets”, claiming that you’d have limitless godlike powers to create your own reality as you see fit. He even offered to give you your money back if you’re not convinced after 60 days (he makes the same offer for “Universal Wealth Secrets”).

I have to admit, the first time I read such bold claims I was quite cynical. It was such a bold promise that I immediately thought he wouldn’t be able to deliver. But having tried Universal Life Secrets for myself, I was confident that Chris would deliver yet another astonishing product with “Universal Wealth Secrets”.

You’ll be glad to know that I wasn’t disappointed.

Universal Wealth Secrets” is a 170 page guide on how you can attract wealth and prosperity into your life. Broken down into 12 chapters, each chapter addresses an important aspect of wealth attainment. From fundamentals that grant you a better understanding of the true definition of wealth, to crucial lessons on how you can attain wealth in every sense of the word,

Right from the get-go he reveals the secret to making and managing money (Chapter 2), and then reveals to you the various avenues open to your money-making endeavors (Chapter 5). You’ll be surprised by just how many money-making opportunities (Chapter 8) you’ve been missing out on all this while... I know I was.

But the "Universal Wealth Secrets" is more than just a 170 page ebook. Chris also throws in a process map that shows the path to wealth in a linear, straightforward manner. While it’s easy to get lost amongst all the fundamentals and concepts in the book, the process map really does wonders getting you back on track if you get confused over what’s required of you as you work your way toward achieving abundant wealth in your life.

There’s also a brainwave entrainment audio that Chris claims will “reprogram your mind and transform you into a conduit for incredible wealth attraction”. Simply put, this audio will turn you into a money magnet. The nice thing is, the audio is soothing to listen to, and has helped me de-stress after a hard day’s work.

All in all, while I won’t say that “Universal Wealth Secrets” will make you an overnight millionaire, it’s still a great start to get you on the road to riches if you’ve been struggling for years to earn your first million.

Hope this helps,

Tony Chai

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