Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Attracting Wealth.. Sacred Tips for You

Dear fellow friends,

I hope the following tips on attracting wealth can help transform your life...

Attract Wealth with the Unwavering Faith that You Deserve to be Abundant

Do you sometimes feel that other people probably deserve more wealth than you? These feelings must be cleared before the Universe can allow the wealth to flow into your life.

You have to believe that you are as worthy as other people. God has created everyone to be unique to have come to this world. Everyone has his or her Higher Calling in life.

You have to believe that the Universe will not hesitate to grant you the wealth if you ask for it. The Universe does not withhold the wealth from you - it is only you who is doing that.

Attract Wealth through Relaxation and Confidence

The Attraction of wealth into your life does not require struggle.

If you're fighting, there is a good chance that you are blocking the wealth instead of allowing it to come to you.

To attract wealth, just relax and have trust.

Trust that you will know the right steps to take. Trust the Universe will guide you to the most effective and fastest way to achieve your goal. Have faith that what your desire is well on the way.

Attract Wealth by Feeling Rich Now

The surest way to attracting wealth in your life is to feel rich NOW.

If you surrender to feelings that you are incomplete, that you're empty or that you do not have enough, you are going to attract more situations that make you feel that way.

Instead, when you feel joyful, abundant, relax, and yes, rich. You just can't fail to attract more situations that make you feel that way, including attracting a lot of money.

Attract Wealth by Giving in to the Universal Mind

One of the most liberating moments of your life will be when you finally understand you do not have to figure out exactly how to become rich, the Universe will show you the path step by step.

You just need to focus on your intention to be wealthy and abundant. It is rare that our journey unfolds as we what we expect. Very often you'll be taken on an amazing journey in life to discover events which are magnificent and impressive, far exceeding your expectations. You just have to keep your good thoughts and emotions in place.

Attract Wealth by Exploring the Potential of this Moment

No matter how difficult things have been for you in the past, any time right at this very moment offers a brand new opportunity for you to Focus on your wealth and get in tune with the Essence of Wealth to be rich now.

Do this powerful technique consistently. Day by day, you will feel more empowering, inspiring and life changing.

Attract Wealth by Learning from Mistakes

I believe everyone has attracted some negative circumstances at certain stages in his or her life.

Don't put too much blame on yourself. Pick up yourself by admitting that you've made a mistake and have learned a good lesson from it.

Everyone makes mistakes - but true wisdom comes from learning from them and try again.

Attract Wealth by Recognizing the shortage and lack are only illusions

The more you focus on "not having enough" and such circumstances, you will attract these perception back into your life.

Instead, put more focus on being rich, happy and serene. Such external circumstances will be reflected back to you.

Attracting Wealth by Taking Full Responsibility of Your Life

No matter who or what appears to be influential in your life, remember that everything you experience starts with your own thoughts.

It can be hard to swallow that you could create unpleasant circumstances into your life, although you are doing this subconsciously.

When you create your intentions, understand the importance of directing your thoughts to where which is most beneficial.

When you truly understand how powerful your thoughts are, you will appreciate the importance of order. You'll know that you can consciously and deliberately create what you desire in life.

You have the power to inspire so many wonderful changes in your life, including attracting abundance and wealth.

Connect with the Essence of Wealth

What is True Wealth?

By focusing on attracting wealth into your life, you'll find it useful to spend time each day to tune your consciousness to the very essence of wealth.

The Essence of Wealth is the very way you Feel when you think about it.

How does it feel to have more money? What is it like to have a bank account filled to the brim with cash? What is it like to live in your dream home? How does it feel to embrace your financial freedom now?

When you can tune in to these feelings regularly, you are tuning in to the vibrational frequency of wealth itself. You will then start attracting more of that into your life.

You can either feel lonely, helpless and surrender to your current circumstances, or you can learn to deliberately create the life that you've always want to live TODAY...

Hope that helps,

Tony Chai

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